First steps

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White, through the darkness, spied on Alban, it was heartbreaking for her...

Alban was even more enraged, more angry and everything was falling into place for him to become a formidable enemy...

She put this on anger and returned to the other dragons, hoping that in time he could be reasoned with.

The next morning Alban got up, "At least they let me sleep..."

Isolde, exhausted by grief, continued to sleep and Alban, with his sharp senses, emerged from his lair.

"You can show yourself, Marise..."

She looked at the ground, sorry...

Alban: "I don't want your pity, but I'm less angry with you because you've been human and also transformed against your will...

WHAT DO YOU WANT? I know that you know... You hear very well what they say..."

Marise: "The Harkonnen's and all that stuff, I don't really care... I stayed to watch over Tania, to stop her nonsense... But also, I'm worried about you...

To tell the truth, I had and still have feelings for you...."

Alban... "Stop the comedy... do you have feelings for a piece of junk?, a machine???? Then afterwards, a stone, a pebble?"

Marise "Shut up! Shut up!" Marise "Shut up! It's not going to get better that way... You can't be alone in this suffering and you have to come to terms with it."

Alban wanted to answer, but Marise, angry, interrupted him:

"It's not by crying over your fate and wanting the whole world to know that you're going to get better. You are alive. You are not sick, you are not disabled. You have your five senses. You drink, you eat, you sleep and you cry... and you also know...hmmm I'm not going to draw you a picture... SO PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!

You have your sister who loves you, your king and you still have your place... And Marise grabbed him by the neck and kissed him. And you have me! last... as a friend..."

Alban was shocked and wanted to react violently, but he stopped... Realizing Marise Marise's words

I'm a beginner you know... not long ago, I had beautiful blond hair. Look, I have a picture of me...

Albus saw Marise riding Tania... as a selfie flying over a Harkonnen base.

In other photos, there were battles but she didn't want to show it.

"That's for later..."

Marise turned around and signaled the metal dragon to follow her...

Isolde shouted from afar, "Stay away from Alban..." all red with anger...

But the dragons moved faster.

"Come on, come on, I have to teach you something..."

Alban: "At this point... it's true that as a human, I found you very beautiful and I wanted to bond with you..."

Marise: "Like a wyverne mount????"

Alban "As a friend..."

Marise: "But aren't we already friends???"

Alban: "We're moving forward, but where are we going?"

Marise: "Near a body of water, where Tania taught me the most important thing now that you're a dragon like me: to fly."

Alban: "but I am afraid of the sky...".

Marise: "Can you swim?"

Alban: "Yes, I knew..."

Marise: "Well, it's easier, we don't drink the cup..."

Alban: "What am I wasting my time on...???"

Marise turned around and grabbed him to the wing... and shook him...

"But will you stop? If not, I'm going to stab you here, okay? And you'll be a turtle forever..."

"I'm sorry..."

"I'm depressed too, but the joy of flying is something you have to discover. "It takes most of my sadness away and makes me

Marise thus took Alban to the edge of a large lake.

"It is here that mom taught me how to fly..."

Alban: "But I'm a machine...I'm going to sink to the bottom..."

"Tatata...are you a DRAGON D.R.A.G.O.N..... or a sissy?"

Marise climbed up on a rock overlooking the lake and there was a siege machine that hadn't been stowed away. She climbed down from the rock... wait" and she pushed the siege machine, a tiered tower on wheels, and straightened it up.

Alban: "But it's so high, I'm going to break my paws...".

Marise: "You see, you talk like a dragon... paws instead of legs..."


She climbed on the rock and spread her wings.

"Feel the wind... Your whole surface must feel the air sliding on your wings... feel the air like water when you swim."

She went down and Alban did the same... "Yes... that's it... I feel the wind."

Isolde, crying, had taken her horse and followed the dragons discreetly.

She watched Alban from afar with Marise...

It is true that she was nice to him... She was taking care of him.

Leaning against a rock, the horse tied further away, she let her back slip rubbing the rock until she was sitting on the ground.

She blew, caught between the rage of seeing her brother in contact with these monsters and also relieved that a strap was taking care of him. At least he wouldn't end up alone but she was afraid... an ancestral fear...

She watched the dragon teach him to fly...

"Well, you're facing the wind... and then what?"

"Should I jump?"

"Finally... it's starting to come in..."

"Uh, I stay put..."

Marise: "Yes, you are more aerodynamic and you have to use your jet engine...

Now, breathe in and swallow your "fire", you'll hear the fire raging and I'll rush it into the vents under your neck. Yes... there"

Alban: "It's a strange feeling... I feel like I'm breathing through my stomach instead of my nose."

Marise: "Exactly. You suck the air in and you lean on it to move forward, to push.


"Sound of a big motorcycle..."

"Your turbine has just started... Let it heat up and set everything in place."

Inhale and breathe through your vents."

Alban felt pushed forward...

"I don't know how to stay put, I'm being pushed forward"

I am a dragon! Help me! (TOME 4 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now