Into the mouth of madness.

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A few hours before...

Alban, terrified and afraid to let go or fall, had clung to George's tail, securing himself with a leather strap.

In the rush and haste, the dragons had not paid attention, they were running away.

Then, crashing into the labyrinth, Alban came to his senses after the hard landing and saw several dragons.

He was like a coca can in front of these giants.

Blanche was the first to see him and screamed in draconian: "Shit!".

Everyone turned their heads towards Alban and he, as quick as lightning, started running through the labyrinth and entered small rooms with stairs going up in all directions, even to the ceiling.

Everyone went in pursuit of him.

Georges: "'It's Alban, Isolde's little brother....".

But it takes too much time to transform into a human being and you end up losing him in this endless maze.

I shouted: "Come back, Alban... we won't hurt you... I give you my word!"

But my answer was: "Monsters!"

Blanche: "I beg you, Alban... please come back... it's dangerous for you here.... there are monsters..."

But the bugger was invisible.

The octahedron, guided by me, launched its black rays to find him but to my great surprise, he managed to escape us.

But our mission had priority.

We kissed and I left with Georges. "Try to catch him without violence and get him out of here, I have a bad feeling."

Orichalcum called: "Alban... Alban... we beg you, come back...". We are friends with Baltes and Altus, we will help you...

A small voice.... "Liars!!!! I will believe only Marise... You dragons, take everything and leave nothing to people like me... and tell George that if Altus has forgiven him, I haven't!

You take everything from me! You monsters!"

Karrrine: "How?" she shouted.

Alban: "Georges will take Marise...." from me.

We then understood Alban's resentment ... a rivalry, a love triangle...

But Georges??? he wasn't there nor aware of it....

Kraa: "We'll talk to Georges... Marise is in the enemy camp..."

But Alban, did not fall into the trap and went along the corners, the corridors and arrived at the border of the darkness of Mark, and entering the zone of Blanche and there it was another setting and another spectacle.

But Alban, did not fall into the trap and went along the corners, the corridors and arrived at the border of the darkness of Mark, and entering the zone of Blanche and there it was another setting and another spectacle

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Everything looked the same and the corridors were endless.

Then he was attracted by noise... An infernal noise.

I am a dragon! Help me! (TOME 4 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now