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I am lost.

Is this a dream? I see lamps, flash, peoples and tall people telling me to hold on tight! Then I saw my mom crying and my friends ERIC, FRED, EDDY with their parents and I was rushed into an ambulance!

I was pricked and a transfusion was given and I lost consciousness.

In my sleep I shouted Arma, Kraa? Dagobert???? Help, the dragons, they are attacking! and I had a fever.

A doctor took my parents aside and said: He is stable but there are problems. He's going to get better but the test results are weird. It's like your son is 1300 years old! according to carbon dating.

The police examined the mobile phone and it fell in dust! but we were able to load the memory and it is edifying. It's as if we had filmed and taken pictures in the Middle Ages and these are the most amazing dragons. It's role-playing, isn't it? Sophisticated!

Then I wake up in an uncomfortable bed with a cast and a corset and lots of bandages.

MOMAN hooted at me, how I missed you!

I got up a little but it didn't hurt anymore. Mommy hugged me:

How you frightened us!

Mommy, I missed you all this time without you!

But darling, you disappeared for 3 days!

No, Mom, I've been gone for over a year!

But how old am I?

Marc, you are 6 years old!

Doctor: Ma'am, he is confused and he has had a big fall of several tens of meters. but he has amazing scars. Do you beat him?

His musculature is abnormally high for a child this age!

A few days later I was released from the hospital and went home but I cried, not being able to believe that it was just a bad dream but I had kept my 3 objects, indisputable proof.

I thought back to my trip and was obsessed with the story. Then it became a distant memory and I resumed my life as a child. I went back to school and I was told about Merlin the Enchanter, Morane and Mordred in history class and his name clicked in my mind. I remembered the darkness. and the fights!

MARC: ALLO THE EARTH WITH THE MOON! shouted my teacher who made me come back to earth.

This year we are going to visit the castle of Bouillon.

We made our preparations and took a bus. Now, I am 9 years old and I am happy to see (again) the knights.

We visited the castle and some animators played the knights and imitated period music. What a clownery!

I corrected a singer on how to read ancient writing. It sounded more accurate and modern. The others said I was right. And the song was immediately more beautiful. Then we went to visit the woods and the giant's tomb.

But that's where Kraa is buried!

It's not the giant's tomb, it's the dragon's tomb, so I corrected the instructor: After thinking about it he said, but you know a lot of things, it's as if you've been there?

Yes, Yes, here it is, I said!

There was a room and a wall! Everybody was laughing at me but when I scratched a little bit of earth, stones appeared and a step.

Yes and here . But the instructor called an archeologist acquaintance.

He came quickly to find us and I explained to him, that there was a well here and a construction there, a surrounding wall and a guard house and that there were certainly some old swords.

I am a dragon! Help me! (TOME 4 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now