In the cell

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I was with Oriharukon and he asked me what my powers were in Tiamat, to better know his enemy in case of confrontation.

Me: "When we were united, it was terrible and I know that the "nice one" doesn't yet know the extent of her powers. It's a good and a terrible thing. I think we should save her if we could contact her. We should find the bunker at the end of the world, the Dharma bunker.

All I know is that it's an island and it stays in the past all the time, to avoid the horrors of the cataclysm. We could then connect, but it's dangerous..."

Oriharukon: "Why?"

Me: "Some people are "swallowed" by the reality of the island... It has jolts and ejects in our reality, our time prisoners and sometimes it "swallows" in the past . The tremors are random and it is, according to the legend, a forbidden island, cursed...

Oriharukon: "But you could go from one dimension to another as before, couldn't you?"

Me: "I'm 5 times too weak...."

Oriharukon: "And with Marc? "

Me: "I don't know, but Mark is not even one per thousand of what he was.... He would have to swallow nuclear reactors, but there are no more... And then swallow the energy of solar flares... as he did. But he was lucky he didn't explode or implode or get lost in madness....or become a conscious black hole... wanting to devour everything in his path, hunger driving him crazy....It's risky..."

Oriharukon: "I believe that if he is motivated to save his young, Marc will succeed. "

Me: "But beware of tiamat, she has more than one trick up her sleeve... Believe me."

First of all she:

She is strong in the arcane levels, she is an arch-mage but with 17 additional levels (Goddess).

We specialize in religion, history and bullying. We are masters of blackmail...

Immunity to cold, lightning, poison, acid, fire and non-magical attacks. We cannot be blinded, deafened, frightened or stunned.

We can see in the darkness, the astral, the ether and through all illusion...

Oriharukon was filled with fear when he heard the monstrous powers of the Hydra being enumerated.

If we die, we find ourselves in hell and our body is reconstituted in a year.

To move around, no obstacle can slow us down, even on a vertical slope on a mountain.

In the presence of skeletons or cemeteries, and even elsewhere, we can make giant skeletal hands appear to seize our enemies, provoke earthquakes, landslides and storms such as tornadoes, hurricanes, torrential rains at will, and without mana consumption.

3 times a day, every day:" Disintegrating ray, divine word, wall of fire.

2 times: dimensional blockage: prevent from fleeing via darkness or aether or even make yourself invisible, charm and dominate all types of monsters and Geass type charms.

1 time per day: "Word of death, Knock out any opponent, even a god... and mental debility.

Accelerated regeneration. In case of a fatal wound, within a minute, it heals.

Material Monster: "Any damage inflicted to structures and objects other than living, is multiplied by 2.

Each head can blow in turn or at the same time. This means that it can blow continuously.

Acid, lightning, poison, fire and frost.

plus natural dragon attacks: bite, claws, wind sweep by the wings, claws, tail

I am a dragon! Help me! (TOME 4 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now