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Amanda, Chardon, Prius, Scientific Convention Zurich

Dragons share a common past with humans and have many similar evolutionary convergences.

They have their own culture, religion and are self-aware. However, they refer to more primitive ancient dragons that have disappeared under human pressure. Those that survived were able to adapt to humans. There were wyverns and man-eating dragons and a war between them. The man-eaters used humans to regenerate and survive through a form of vampirism, hence the myth of Dracula.

They have a rather primitive way of life as in antiquity. They knew how to choose what protects them like internet and basic electricity but they have other assets specific to their physiognomy, use of elementary magic (feed, heal, clean, defend). They did not integrate the human artifices which are more sensitive and more fragile. This is what strongly differentiates the species.

Marc, an ex-human could easily switch from one way of life to another but is linked to his past and to his culture of before.

If we compare their way of life with humans it would be a way of life of aborigines facing modernism.

They have their own language and culture and adapt to their physiognomy.

They cannot be considered as animals, they are self-aware. And they have a complete and elaborate culture. But genetically they are very different from humans although they have similar pieces of dna but much more complex. Our computers are unable to decipher their overly complex genome.

It is a unique species that must be protected as the only 4 known individuals. The environmental load is normal and does not present a threat to the fauna because of the ecological self-regulation of their way of life.

Much remains to be learned from them.

Nothing is known about their destructive or defensive potential. They clearly hide it for the sake of sociability and harmony with humans.

Tragic past experiences have led to the de facto extinction of the species because of the powers or fear they generate.

It is known that they use ki to fight like murims.

They know how to spit fire.

They can fly

They have a power of regeneration that allows them to

To heal oneself

Hibernate and create a long-lasting cocoon.

Marc can sometimes become temporarily human again at the cost of great suffering.

Infrared view is suspected

According to blood tests, the dragons are hermaphrodites but live in pseudo couples.

Reproductive hormones are at a high level. And they are pushed to make reserves. Probably young ones in sight.

Ethical question for dragon type learning or human school type learning? The black man is studying for a human diploma.

If the 4 individuals are docile and not dangerous, what about the descendants? Will they have to integrate the human society?

If the number increases, what pressure on society?

Many questions.

This study is a challenge in itself!

And questions of law.

Another problem comes from the removal of individuals for study, dissection, and analysis. Do they own themselves? Do they have to participate in the state effort? Taxes and duties? If an individual is taken or sold and this creates violence with victims, who will be responsible?

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