Live from Pondichery

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David took us home. I was in the back seat with my head leaning against Mom's shoulder, our hands inside each other.

Mommy was reassured that I was me and that I remembered everything.

Mommy: "I was afraid the dragon had eaten you and taken your place but I know you are still you."

I remember, before I was born as a dragon, I didn't know how to transform myself into a human, I wasn't very smart... and magic, I could hardly do it. I am happy with you.

You gave me so much. "

Mom: "Remember your dragon mom?"

"No, I was a mean, stupid beast. I was raised by a monster. Othar... A half-human being who turned into a dragon... An undead monster. He defeated death by killing thousands of innocent people. He is the dracula and he still lives among us. He comes to haunt me in my sleep.

One day he got tired of us and slit our throats with my 2 sisters, wanting to make us undead to defeat death.

We were stupid to believe him and Sanguinem, my older sister, when we were ghosts to stick and follow Mark, the only one who knew how to defy Othar and who was blessed by our goddess.

He found us in possession of their children and we were judged and punished by our goddess.Mark was merciful and rescued us and I fell in love with him and his family. Mark's father-in-law, Oriharukon, took me as his concubine and I was happy for the first time. I wanted to carry their child. They were gentle and kind and I saw only them but we sacrificed ourselves to save our world and our egg.

Sacrificed is a better word than murdered. The dragons were able to get out but they were all killed cowardly by Viseron and Moranus.

I also killed myself to protect you from them, but I'm stuck... I realize that I am nothing without you. "

I was relieved that Mom accepted me as I am and that she will help me. Why couldn't I have been nicer and wiser before? what a waste...Then I shed two tears and finally I could look forward to the future.

Poisse, it was over... Now I was Sylvia.

I was whole and I had no reason to hide anymore, to lie to myself and to those I love. We went home and Ankur and Choudari jumped on my neck.

They had grown up well, but I was still a giant. Less stressed I decided to start playing with them again. Tomorrow we would go fishing together.

Mom came home relieved, a little confused but blamed it all on me. She didn't say anything to Surish. She hasn't told Surish yet... It was now up to her to carry the hot potato.

The next morning, I was getting sleepy and my cousins woke me up. It seemed that I was snoring and had a blissful smile on my back and my arms spread out, one of them hanging almost touching the ground.Mom had come to see me, but choked a laugh when she saw me like this.

"She finally got her smile back. How I missed it..."

Then we left to follow the small path behind the house and it took us along the river, and on the other bank, full of irrigated fields. But we stayed on the jungle side. There was a small pontoon with boats attached. They had a painted number indicating the house number. All the neighbors had a boat. We also, and I had had as a gift one day, a small electric motor to make short trips and I fixed it on the back board and my two cousins carried the fishing rods.

We were now in a tunnel of vegetation and there were a lot of animals around us.

"Say, Sylvia. Aren't you scared when you fish alone?"

"Mmm... maybe yes, that a titano-boa or a T-rex will jump on me?"

"Ankur: Ehh, we're not so small anymore! You're just telling us nonsense to scare us!"

I am a dragon! Help me! (TOME 4 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now