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At the exit of the room, police cars were waiting for us and they pointed to

Drago in human.

The family hid in the room and an inspector who had arrested him earlier told him: the Romeo and Juliet trick, they had never done it to me before. Hands in the air.

Drago: I think it's a bad day for you today because you're going to die and so are all your men. I'm giving you one last chance because I'm happy and I've really come back to life.

Inspector Labav: Yes, yes, he puts the handcuffs on him, but Drago gives them back to him in a metal pellet.

Labav: How?

Drago: I came back but I brought back special powers and I'm going to exterminate all of you. Last warning.

Dragon violently pushed Labav who cried FIRE.

The men opened fire on Drago and the bullets bounced off him. Drago then took his revolver and shot Labav's policemen one by one, they fired and the bullets bounced off his skin and head and even wounded themselves.

Draco fired on the teten not missing his target and those who wanted to flee were shot.

in the back of the neck.

Quickly, everything was silent. Then Drago took back his dragon shape: THERE'S WHY THEY CALL ME DRAGO. And He ate Labav, he slipped alone in his throat.


Several inspectors were sent again but none came back.

The prosecutor was furious and no more inspectors wanted to deal with the case.

And during an official trip, on a mountain road, his car was found burnt in the ravine and the 4 motorcycles that accompanied it. No corpses.

The police were afraid. The dead prosecutor and the minister of justice got involved in the press and threatened to call in the FBI, but there was no time.

He was found with his throat slit in his bed that night! My work! I have become an assassin!

Every day on TV, settlements of accounts attributed to Bastia were broadcast.

Dragon hunters who had heard about our crossing to Croatia gathered together and a real hunt began. This resulted in the death of all of them.

Some of them died at a red light, reading their mobile phone, a message sent on purpose and motorcyclists armed with machine guns killing them at the red light, a car slowing them down in front.

Others were killed by a bomb under their seats.

Some had their throats slit in a hooker bar and the top was the head of the hunters' organization who found himself in the hotel with a hook in his butt, hanging from the diaper rail.

Another had the pleasure of participating in a still life. The hunters' favorite still life: game, fruit, a cup and their head in the cup, an apple in the mouth.

All painted on a canvas to immortalize the scene.

The canvas was of course sent to the President of the United States, and the back of the canvas has a dragon print. Signed FROM DRAGON, WITH LOVE!

Your Best friend!

He went into a rage that made his wig fall or he demolished the furniture and managed to skin his shin with a wooden piece of furniture that resisted him! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Drago soon reigned over the whole of former Yugoslavia, his opponents joining him or being eaten.

I also taught him the spell of Lie Detection and Magic Missile and Healing.

I am a dragon! Help me! (TOME 4 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now