It's the little bird who told me that.

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Karrine had a bad feeling.

Oriharukon: we've played with dolls with humans enough... the more I see you, the more I feel like we're trying to live like them.

Kraa: Yes, you're right... we did what we had to do to raise our children in a modern world and we succeeded... I think we should be proud but here it's back to the 7th century, except for our visitor and the Harkonnens.

Marc: Yes, it's like with Moranus... they're rotten... a little black hole would give us peace.

Me: Except that here they are stronger, they are not policemen but infernal military scoundrels. And I felt the blood of Tiamat the infernal in the Marise Dragon.

Oriharukon: By the way, it's too quiet, don't you think?

He was finishing his sentence, and we could see on the horizon the ships rising from the horizon and heading towards the sun...

Mh. That would be too beautiful.

Oriharukon, who had more than one turn, whistled and called birds.

He gave them mana and super good seeds and asked them to spy on the human castle and to watch Marise from afar just like Tania.

A few moments later, the 3 swallows left on a mission.

I (Blanche Tiamat): Oriharukon is right. We are wasting our time here... the dwarf king is really nice and we were attached to him but we must go in search of our own. He will help us, that's for sure but we put him in danger.

We made then quickly our work of excavation by the shadows and the dwarves had their super fortress.

They were not fooled either. Once peace was regained, the bickering could start again. And their army could make them grow wings up to here...

At Altus Castle...

Pharotek almost danced his way forward and made his cape waltz, visibly delighted.

When he arrived near the library where Andromedius was waiting for him, he got to know him better.

Andromedius: "Dear colleague Mentat, you and I are men of science, but how do you manage to assimilate so many books and information so quickly?

"Aha... we are ... let's say we have in our heads an intelligent machine that calculates and sorts information, like an instant library grafted into our brains from childhood and we grow up with it.

And he showed a kind of fiber optic or quantum plug at the back of his head that he connected to a kind of bracelet that projected a holographic screen on his arm.

"Normally I see all this in my head, but here it's to show non-Mentat."

In one minute, I will have assimilated all the knowledge in your library.

He put a wand on the floor, and it stood up. A beam swept 360° through the library and even through the walls.


Andromedius held his breath. What mental power, and so young...

"Pharotek: Yes, I forgot to say, Mentat never gets old."

Another shock.

He looked like an idiot next to this chatty calculator.

"There... it's done... it's downloaded into my head.

All the books and their contents have been scanned without opening them and it's all in my head."

Then he gave a mental command and the library appeared as a hologram. You could even see him fetching a book and flipping through it on the hologram.

"Ahh, very interesting your letters... you have doubts about Tania...HAHAHAHA, And you are right..."

You want the Harkonnen army? No problem, take his place... hahahahahahha, "

Then he looked at Andromedus: "I am not joking... You just have to challenge her in a single combat in an arena. All blows are allowed except to challenge your opponent when he is weakened.

We Harkonnens hate cowardly fights..."

Andromedian: "Edifying."

Then Pharotek made appear holographically with his cane projector connected to his head by a fine hair, various interesting objects to liven up the discussion.

"So if I understand well, to make a spell of light, it is necessary to draw from its mana."

But Mentat tried as hard as he could, the magic of this world was denied him.

So Andromedus put a light on the hand of Mentat. He could analyze it, but the mystical ways were forbidden to him.

On the window, birds were singing, but they glanced at it from time to time. It went completely unnoticed.

Mentat sat with the magician and Isolde followed behind to learn as much as he could.

Andromedus instructed Isolde to bring any documents that the Mentat required. Because even in holography, an object remained a working tool for many and magic being integrated into this world since the cataclysm, the wizard was essential to the Mentat when it was necessary to decipher information in code.

I see a report on a kingdom further south with an Ignar the Madman... hahaha, he bombed the prince's castle and blew it up....

He left with 2 dragons, his daughters and another dragon, his female.

We follow their carnage with decimated local tribes, an awakened volcano and probably a cult of a water lord. Very rare water dragons.... They worshipped Tiamat...

But But But But But But But... I see reports of the prophecy...A hydra.... but it must have been Tiamat who appeared. But I have 2 reports, one from Torquemada about dwarves who saw a hydra...

I am a dragon! Help me! (TOME 4 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now