We are going to get her back

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"WHERE IS SHE?" Lena shouted across the DEO as Alex and Kara landed

Alex's eyes were still full with tears and Kara was just holding hers back.

As Lena saw them her face dropped, her tone lowered, "where is she?" She begged for an answer 'she's just behind me, she got caught up' anything other than the fact that she was gone.

"I'm sorry Lena." Kara handed the paper over to Lena, and Lena broke down along with Alex. Kara held them both, keeping herself strong for her sister and her fiancé.

"We are gonna get her back." The Kryptonian reassured them

Lena had run out after Kara spoke and Alex had sunk further into herself.

Kara sighed, trying to reassure herself "we are gonna get her back." She kept chanting.


Once Alex had calmed down and fell asleep in Kara's apartment, Kara finally had time to go to her fiancé. She knew exactly where she would be.

As soon as she touched down onto the floor in Lena's lab, she saw the ravenette. "Lena" Kara breathed out, making her way towards her.

"You knew she was going alone didn't you?"


"Answer me Kara." Lena turned around and Kara saw a look in her eyes that made her tremble.

She gulped and nodded.

"Get out." She said calmly.

"Lena, let me explain."

"Get out Kara, I can't see you right now."

"Lena, please" Kara pleaded

Lena turned back around facing her desk.

"You can leave the same way you came in. Supergirl."

The tears which have been threatening Kara were finally released as she flew away, she didn't know where she was going but she knew she had to go.

This is all my fault. I should have gone with her, I should have stopped her. I should have been there. She would be safe if it wasn't for me. I'm the reason Chris is gone. I'm the reason the world will be in the hands of Lionel Luthor. It's all my fault.

Kara's thoughts were out of her hands as she came up with scenarios of ' what ifs'

She touched down onto a bridge, and used her supervision to track any clues as to where she could be. "Come on Chris. I need a sign. I need to know where you are."

Kara started to give up but then she saw something unexpected.

"No way."


Lena sat in her lab. A glass of whiskey in her hand. She was drunk. Drunker than she had been in a while. She sat examining the glass in her hand before she realised what she had to do. Lena herself drove to her childhood home. The memory of the torture she survived over flowed her as she saw the building in front of her.

She stormed into the building her feet leading her to where she knew her mother would be.

"Where is he?" She shouted.

"Lena, darling welcome home."


"Where is who?"


"Now, if I knew who you were talking about why would I waste my breath talking to you?"


"Lena you must have gone mad. Your father is dead, I put that bastard out of his misery a long time ago."

"Yeah, well clearly you didn't do a really good job, seeing as my sister has been kidnapped by your husband."

"Your father." Lillian corrected


"I simply corrected you. He is dead, no longer my husband. But you will always carry his disgusting genes in you."

"WHERE IS HE?" Lena repeated.


"Who is dead?" Lena turned around and saw the disgusting face of her father.


"I have no clue who you're talking about"

Lena reached behind her for the gun she stashed behind her.

"Careful now Lena. You're don't want to shoot yourself in the foot."

Just as Lionel spoke, Lena felt a sharp pain in her foot and she yelped in agony. She looked down and saw blood rushing out and she fell to the ground.


Kara looked on the ground and saw a green glowing stone with a drop of blood on it. She attempted to pick it up, but with her hand burning she dropped it back down, "Kryptonite?" Kara whispered to herself

She tried to use her comms to contact Lena but received no response.

"Lena listen, I know you're mad at me right now and you hate me for letting Chris go alone but I had no choice, I had to keep you safe. Please just respond I found something important"


Kara sighed and instead called Alex.


"Yeah hi, I can't get through to Lena is she there?"

" Kara, Lena's gone missing"

"WHAT!" Tears were brought to Kara's eyes upon hearing the news.

" listen Kara, we need you back here, we are gonna find her and Chris. But we need you."

"It's my fault Alex, I let them both go alone. Now I have to go get them. Stay in the DEO, I love you."


😭😭😭😭 Kara is such a hero, we Stan. Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter

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