The Raid

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"Alex" Jonn said as Alex zoned out for the tenth time that day. "Earth to Alex" Alex quickly zoned back in and tried to act like there was nothing on her mind.

"You're hiding from a Martian, Alex. I can read your mind" damn you Jonn and your amazing alien powers.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Just as Alex spoke Kara had entered dressed in her Supergirl outfit.

"Hey Jonn I don't have telepathic powers but I can tell you what Alex is thinking right now."

"Go ahead supergirl"

Kara cleared her throat and spoke in a different tone of voice "I'm Alex and my date with Chris was amazing she is so cute and she-" before Kara could finish her impression of her sister she was cut off.

"Thank you supergirl for being real mature. And I don't sound like that" she said to both aliens.

"Yeah you do" Jonn teased.

"No I don't"

The aliens both laughed as Alex walked away, "agent Danvers don't forget you're assembling a strike team. We have to get to L-corp. we've had a tip about some sort of alien technology being used there"

Supergirl looked to her boss "Jonn I told you if there was anything alien, Lena would have told me."

"Supergirl as much as I would love to not raid L-corp for the billionth time. It's procedure"

"Ugh fine but I'm coming with you"

"Wouldn't have it any other way."

Supergirl made her way towards Alex and walked with her to assemble a team.

"Have you told Lena you're Supergirl yet?"

"I was planning on telling her tonight but I guess we have to go and raid her lab first."

"Kara come on it isn't personal. You know that Lena has hid things from you before. She hid her kryptonite stash when reign took over."

"I know but it's different now. We made out in her office"

"Kara, You? The same girl who freaked out when she held your hand on your way to work? Are you sure if wasn't an alien replica or a shapeshifter?"

Kara gave her older sister a death stare.

"I'm joking. But Kara you have to understand it was Kara Danvers with Lena not supergirl. She doesn't know you're the same person she thinks you're two separate people." Kara frowned she hated it when Alex was right.


Alex gathered her squad with supergirl and they made their way to L-corp. Supergirl made sure they didn't break any doors or walls on their way in. They actually just simply walked in. That was a first. Kara knew how much Lena hates it when the DEO smashes her property. They made their way to a lab where Lena was and Alex introduced herself. Not like Lena needed to guess. "I am agent Danvers and this is a search for any unknown alien technology"

"Alex. Really? You know if I have any alien tech I bring it straight to the DEO"

"Sorry Lena I didn't want to do this either"

"What's the DEO?" A voice behind Lena spoke, the owner of the voice moved to stand beside Lena exposing her identity.

"Heyyyy Chris, how are you doing?" Alex said seeing the face of the woman beside Lena. Chris stood with her arms across her chest.

"I'm good Alex well until I was dragged away from my work space by a couple of dudes" Alex's face went red with anger. "Which agents?"

Chris smiled. Alex hadn't known her long but she was very protective. "It's okay Alex. The good side is that I got to see you" Chris looked at Alex and Alex at Chris both maintaining eye contact. For a while it felt like it was just them in the room.

"Ugh you two get a room" Lena finally spoke breaking the silence. She then walked towards supergirl.

"So supergirl. How are you?" Lena asked. Lena has her suspicions on Kara being supergirl but tonight she had to confirm it. Her and Kara were getting serious and if Kara has been keeping this big a secret then how serious was she about this relationship?

"I'm good Ms Luthor, you?" She said still looking ahead. She looks too good in her work clothes. I really just want to kiss her but I'm supergirl just keep looking forward.

"well I was doing quite good until this" she said and gestured to the agents raiding her lab.

"Yeah I'm so sorry about this, I told them that you don't have any alien tech. If you did you would have told me right?" Kara forgot she was supergirl for a moment and reached to grab Lena's hand. Lena saw what's she was doing and immediately declined

"I am flattered supergirl but I'm in a relationship, with a beautiful, talented, amazing young woman so as ironic as it would be for a super and a Luthor to be together. I'm afraid I have to decline" Kara's face went red when she had realised what she had done. She was embarrassed yet relieved. She knew that Lena wouldn't cheat but declining supergirl. That was a big thing.

"Of course Ms Luthor I'm sorry, whoever this woman is she sure is lucky" supergirl smiled to herself. I really am the luckiest person ever.

Soon the raid of Lena's lab came to an end. The agents had not found any illegal tech or anything out of the ordinary. Alex hugged Chris goodbye and told her she would explain it in their next date which just happened to be the next day.


Lena opened her penthouse door and saw Kara standing there with a huge smile on her face. Lena pulled her in for a quick kiss which quickly escalated to a make out session.

"It's nice to see you too" Kara said after breaking away from the kiss. Kara was usually very innocent but being with Lena made her feel so confident and like she could do anything. Even being supergirl hadn't made her feel like this.

"Sorry I just missed you so much today" Lena said whilst pulling the kryptonian closer.

"Hey Lena, can we talk for a bit" Lena took a step back away from the blonde. oh shit what did I do?

"Yeah sure. What's up?" Lena asked the blonde.

"Umm well you see I kinda sort of I have a secret that only a few people know, a few really close people like Alex, James, Winn, Nia etc, and I know I should have told you sooner but we were doing so well and I was scared you would leave me" Kara felt a tear falling down her face as she fidgeted with her fingers looking down on them.

"Hey babe it's okay. You know you can talk to me."

"Lena I- well I might as well show you" Kara began to unbutton her shirt. Lena liked where this was about to go until it revealed a blue colour underneath.


"I am supergirl" Kara finally said after her clothes were removed. Supergirl stood before Lena, her jaw dropped in surprise and her eyebrow raised.

"That explains the hand holding." Lena finally spoke after a moment of silence.

"Really? That's it? No you should have told me sooner?"

Lena looked at her girlfriend with confusion. "No love, you had a secret and you kept it. You just thought of my safety and I know that for whatever reason you kept this a secret from me It was a good reason. I know we haven't said this yet but now feels like a good time because I love you Kara Danvers. I love all of you. The supergirl part and the Kara Danvers part."  Kara felt her eyes water and couldn't hold her tears in anymore. She looked into the green eyes of her girlfriend.

"I love you too Lena Kieran Luthor" she smiled and kissed her girlfriend.

"So supergirl?"


"Movie night?"

"No horrors. I hate horrors"

"Okay wait. You fight literal villains but you're scared of a movie"

"I'm not scared"

Lena looked at her girlfriend and cocked up her eyebrow

"Okay fine maybe I am a little scared"

"It's okay love, I'll save you"

Kara smiled and wrapped her arms around Lena

"My hero"

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