Wake up!

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"Lena. Wake up." Lena's eyes fluttered open and saw her sister in front of her.


"Thank god you're alive." Chris sighed.

" where, where are we?"

"The DEO" Alex came into the room with the charts in her hand. Lena proceeded to sit up.

" Chris please get back to your room. You need to rest and we still need to run tests on you"

" yeah I just had to make sure she was alright"

Lena looked around the room once more before her eyes focused on her sister " how did we get here?"


Chris held Lena in her arms as she searched for a way out of the space ship. She ran through multiple room before stumbling upon the control room. She looked around to ensure that Lionel wasn't around, she ran to the controls and attempted to land the ship.

" You really think it's that easy to get away?" Chris heard a low voice behind her and quickly turned around and saw the face of her kidnapper.

" You won't be able to win Lionel. You're weak. You even admitted I'm stronger than you"

"You may be stronger physically, but emotionally ha." Lionel raised a gun to face Lena.

" Now, get back here before I shoot your precious sister in the head"

Chris slowly walked back to Lionel, her mind set on saving Lena.

She sped over to the gun disarming him and shooting him in return.

" you fool" Lionel attempted to get up but Chris shot him once again.

" you won't win, you can't win. I'm stronger than any foolish wome-"

Lionel was interrupted by a swing of Chris's fist into his unpleasant jaw. Knocking him unconscious

" stronger than who now?" Chris ran to the controls navigating her way around them. She managed to finally decode the inscriptions and successfully landed the ship, carrying Lena out.

Chris held Lena in her arms as she raced to the DEO. Her mind set on saving both herself and her little sister.

" ALEX. JONN. KARA. ANYONE" Chris screamed once she got to the balcony of the DEO. All three of them rushed to the noise.

"Chris?" Alex spoke softly

"Yeh that's me" Chris spoke seconds before she felt a gunshot to her back. Collapsing on the floor.


The DEO agents began shooting at the Luthor attempting in any way to stop him.  Alex ran to Chris and Lena alongside an agent picking them up and taking them to safety.

" I got this Director Danvers, go" the doctor spoke

Alex nodded her head and sped off to fight. She stopped on her way to the armoury and decided to pick up a few toys.


Everyone within the DEO all ducked behind items whilst the grenade flew right into Lionels hand. The explosion wasn't too big but was big enough to stop him. Supergirl handcuffed him and took him to a cell.

" So Lena, anyone ever tell you you're an idiot?"

"Spare me the lecture Alex. We needed her back, and there was no way in hell I would have let anyone else go on that ship, if anyone had to be the sacrifice it might as well have been the Luthor"

Alex sat on the bed next to Lena "Listen Lena I get what you're saying but what I'm saying is that it was dumb. You could have waited for back up. For me or for Kara. We lost you and Chris all because you both are too afraid to ask for help. We are a team. All of us. Never forget that"

Lena felt tears rolling down her cheeks and leaned on Alex's shoulder " thanks Alex, you're the best big sister"

" I HEARD THAT" Chris said from the other room causing the two humans to chuckle.

" don't worry Lena you're the best little sister"

" And I heard that" Kara said from the entrance to the room.

" I'm gonna go check on Chris" Alex walked up to Kara and whispered " go easy on her okay"

Kara nodded and made her way into the room.

" so I guess we have a bit to talk about" Lena chuckled.

" yeh just a bit"


I have not proof read this, and it's 5am.
Hope you enjoy
Comments make me happy 😊

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