To protect you

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Now that Chris knew that Kara was supergirl, Alex felt like she could breathe better. She hated keeping this a secret from Chris but she knew she had to. Right now she was laying in her bed with Chris by her side. After both of them confessing their love they couldn't keep their hands to themselves, resulting in their first night together.

Alex breathed in the scent of Chris and smiled, happy that the woman was in her arms. She replayed that moment in her head, the worries which Chris must have felt before exposing her truth, she wrapped her arms tighter around the brunette making sure she wasn't going anywhere. Chris began to stir in her sleep and gently opened her eyes.

"Morning beautiful" she said as her eyes fluttered due to the sunlight.

"Good morning love"

Chris smiled and kissed her girlfriend.

"Come on, get up and get ready we need to leave soon" Alex kissed her girlfriend again.

Chris then broke the kiss "Can we just call in sick today?"

"No." Alex said rejoining their lips.

Chris frowned as Alex pulled away.

"Chris, it's Sunday"

"Yayy, it's Sunday. No work." Chris cheered as if she was a child.

"Hmm no work but we have to work on our plan remember."

"Oh yeah. But what if they find my mum"

"Chris I'm sorry but the chance of finding your mum in the next 3 weeks are very slim. When we went to the facility we found nothing and we went to nearly every place we got a radiation signal. It's like she disappeared"

Chris frowned.

"Hey, I promised you I would find her and I will"

"Thanks babe. Now get out of bed we need to go get those idiots back together."

"That can wait. Right now I have other ideas" Alex smirked and began kissing her girlfriend, repeating last nights actions.


That happy couple made their way to a building that the DEO used as a safe house. Alex was aware about a room that was inaccessible to most and once you were in, you couldn't get out unless someone got you out using the right biometric and physical key. Lucky for Alex she was high up in the hierarchy of the DEO so she had access to both. Alex managed to get the room to be wired with the blue krptonite. Now all they had to do was get Kara and Lena here. That was Chris's job.

"Come on Lee. It will take 10 minutes I need a new place to live and I think this will be good."

"It's further than your apartment and plus it's too big for one person"

"Lena get the fuck up right now"

Lena obliged and walked out the door, annoyed that she was getting pulled away from her work.

Now all Chris had to do was get Kara on board. She met Alex at the house and saw her with Lena. She quickly rushed over to them and kissed her girlfriend  on her cheek and lingered for a second.

"What about Kara?"

"I got that covered"

Alex was gonna back away before Chris grabbed her arm and looked into her eyes.

"Your watch, please"


Alex rang supergirl and moments later she arrived. Lena was already placed into the room and Kara just had to get a push to get in there.

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