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Alex was baking a cake in her apartment, she noticed she had everything except sugar, she groaned seeing all the ingredients already ready to be mixed, she knew she didn't have time to go to the store, so she decided to go and ask her lovely neighbour across the hall.

She knocked on the door. "Chris? You home?"

"Yeah, Just use your key." Chris gave Alex a key to her apartment should she ever need it.

Alex places the key into the door and turned it, she opened the wooden door. Her eyes widened at the view.

"Oh my god Chris what is this?" Alex said her jaw dropping to the ground.

"What do you think? You like it?" Chris said motioning to the shocking display.

"How did you have time to do this?"

"I had my furniture all delivered, I saw all the cardboard boxes and I thought 'what a shame for them all to go to waste' sooo I racked my brain and I decided to make this." Chris smiled. "I have blankets, pillows, snacks and my laptop. And I was just about to call you." Chris waved her phone in the air. "And you came knocking on the door. So it's just my luck."

"So, you had a delivery and you decided to make a fort?"

"What else would I do?"

"Not make a fort?"

Chris gasped showing her offence to what the woman just dared to say.

"How dare you?"

"Okay I'm sorry. Now I came to get some sugar."

Chris smirked, "come here then." She puckered her lips.

Alex chuckled, "not that kind of sugar, I'm baking a cake."

"Oh, okay, bottom shelf on the right."

"Thanks." Alex went to get the sugar and looked back to see the sad face of her girlfriend, once Chris caught her looking she changed her frown to a smile not letting her know she was upset.

"On second thought, let's forget about that cake. Show me your fort." Alex said, unable to see the woman upset.

"Really?" Chris glowed.


"Okay take your shoes off then come in" Alex chuckled and obeyed. She noticed the fort was a lot bigger on the inside. She saw one of the pillows and laid her head down, she pulled Chris to her and began to kiss her, Chris smiled into the kiss before breaking apart.

"Okay I was thinking lion king?"

Alex smiled and nodded, admiring all of Chris's features.

Chris put the movie on and relaxed into Alex, a quarter of the movie went by and Alex had stopped watching the movie but was now watching the woman beside her.

"Danvers, you're missing the movie."

"But this is a much prettier sight."

"God you're so adorable." Chris said, her cheeks slightly red.

Alex watched the movie after Chris had practically begged her too. She still stopped watching for slight moments to take a look at the brunette. Chris did the same.

The movie ended, and both of them in the verge of tears.

"Okay, next thing we have planned is-"

Alex quickly interrupted her, "why is it that you get to make the plans? You chose the movie, shouldn't I get to choose what we do next?"

"But Alex my darling, I am the queen of the fort." Chris spoke raising her voice slightly to sound more like a leader.

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