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Alex hadn't told Chris she had broken up with Maggie, it's not that she didn't want to, she did, she just never had the chance. Chris was constantly running around trying to sort out an apartment and also trying to figure out where her team would play if they would move to America.

Chris also spent most of her evenings with her parents, she had missed them so much when she left and she wanted to spend as much time as she could with them.

Chris stood in the DEO, talking to Jonn about a suit for her hero alter ego.

"Pleaseeee Jonn, I'll train with Kara and Alex and you pleaseee."

"Okay. When you get back I'll see what I can do."

"Yes! Thank you Jonn." Chris jumped up and hugged Jonn.

Chris then made her way to Lena's penthouse where she was staying until she found her own place.


Chris arrived in Lena's penthouse, she unlocked the door and squealed.

"Hey Chris you're home early." Lena said pushing Kara off of her.

"Hey guys, Kara why are you red? I've caught you two in worse positions" Chris shuddered at the memory and Kara turned a deeper shade of red.

"Chris stop messing with Kara. How was it with Jonn?"

Chris went and sat on the couch in the middle of the couple and chuckled after separating them.

"He is going to let me be Shadow again."

"That's awesome. Have you told Alex?"

Chris shook her head no and Kara asked why.

Lena answered for her, "because Chris is avoiding her. " Kara asked 'why' yet again.

"Because when I'm with her I can just see her and Maggie together. I know I shouldn't, I know she chose me but she chose Maggie first."

"Chris, she left Maggie for you. She was so broken after you left. I've never seen her like that. She was reckless in the field and would beat herself up over the tiniest things. She would isolate herself and drink every night. It was hard for her too Chris."

"I know Kar, it's just hard."

Kara hugged Chris and Lena joined in. Both squeezing her. "Guys you're going to blow my head off with how hard you're squeezing."

"You have powers you can take it." Lena said squeezing her sister harder.

Chris chuckled and hugged them both.


Kara had invited herself, Lena and Alex along with Chris to help her with her belongings in England.

They all decided to meet at the airport, Lena and Chris drove together and Alex and Kara took a cab. They hadn't packed much seeing as it was only a 3 day trip and Kara or Chris could fly back if they needed anything.

Lena had arranged for her private jet to take them. They all sat in the jet, Alex and Lena engaged in a conversation whilst Chris and Kara sat in awe of the food Lena's jet supplied.

4 hours into the flight, Lena and Kara had fallen asleep. Alex and Chris sat next to each other and were watching a movie.

"Danvers." Chris whispered.

"Hmm" Alex replied not taking her eyes off the screen.

"I'm bored."

"Watch the movie."

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