The new apartment

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Chris trained in the DEO with Alex and Kara. Jonn had finally decided it was time to let her out.

"Oh my god really?"

"Yes, but don't make me regret this Chris."

"I won't" Chris finger gunned to Jonn, then walked out of the room. She ran to Alex's lab knowing she and Kara would be there.

She opened the door and saw an anxious Kara and Alex. "So what did he say?" The kryptonian spoke.

"I'm sorry guys" Chris began to speak and saw their faces drop. "You have to spend some more time with me."


"Jonns letting me out in the field."

"Really?" Kara squealed.

Chris nodded.

Alex ran up to the woman and hugged her. "I never doubted it. You're amazing." She whispered.

"So are you Danvers." Chris replies hugging the woman back.

Kara cleared her throat reminding them she was there.

"Pizza and potstickers tonight?" Kara asked the two of them.

"Yes of course. My place?" Alex replied red

"Sure, I just have an apartment to view, Lena found it for me and said it would be perfect and the only viewing is tonight so after?"

"Of course. And I'll make sure Kara doesn't eat the food."

Chris chuckled as Kara pouted and whined.


"Okay this place will be perfect for you."

"Lena, I think It would be even more perfect if you tell me where it is."

"It's a surprise."

"I hate you Luthor."

"Love you too sister."

The car halted indicating they had arrived at their destination.

"Lee why are we at Alex's apartment building."

"I told you, to get you an apartment."

"Lena. I'm not moving in with Alex."

"I'm not asking you to."

Lena led the way to the apartment that was available. "Lena, this is Alex's floor."

"Yup. And this is your new apartment."

Chris saw the door opposite Alex's and sighed. "Really Lena?"

Lena smirked and opened the door revealing a studio apartment similar to Alex's.

"You always said how Alex's apartment was ideal so when I saw this ad I thought that you would love it. It kind of screams 'Chris' to me"

"You're gonna scream 'help' in a minute." Chris muttered.

"What was that?"


Lena chuckled and showed her around the apartment. Chris couldn't help but love it. She hated to admit it to Lena but it was perfect.

"Okay fine it's good."

"Just good?"

"It's amazing."

"So you're getting it?"


"That's awesome, also the reason I kind of needed you to get your own place soon is because we'll I wanted to tell you this a while ago but here goes nothing. I'm going to ask Kara to marry me."

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