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"Shadow, come on let's go." Supergirl whined.

"Yeah I'm coming,  just give me one minute supergirl."

"You said that 20 minutes ago."

"Yeah but I have to win against Winn."

"Haha, you can't win because I'm Winn."

"That was terrible."

Supergirl walked over to Winns desk and saw the giant Jenga tower. Kara smiled, thinking how easy it would be to end their game. Just as Kara smiled, Lena entered and ran to her, hugging her tight, almost knocking over the kryptonian. Winn was taking his turn and saw the Luthor running, he flinched and knocked over the tower, Shadow began to laugh whilst Winn declared that it wasn't fair.

"Sorry Winn, but you lose I win. Now you have to ask her out."

"Okay fine, but you're my wing woman."

"Of course" shadow turned to Supergirl, "come on Supergirl let's leave, you're going to make us late." She smirked at the supers facial response.

"But wha- what no wait- you- no" Lena smiled and hugged her fiancé once more. "Shadow stop teasing her. Go on love, go with the idiot and save the world again."

"We aren't saving the world just yet, just have to take care of some rogue aliens."

They both left the DEO and made their way to the site.

Lena made her way through the DEO, and stopped outside of Alex's lab, she knocked on the door and heard the woman say "come in." She did as told and closed the door behind her.

"Hey Alex, you said you needed to talk?"

"Hey Lee, yeah, I think you should take a seat."

"oh okay." Lena sat down.

"It's about Kara's mum."


"No, her biological mum."


"Yeah, Alura wants to come to earth for Kara and the wedding and everything, but she does not have a space craft, so I asked Jonn if we can take his and he said yes, her request was that you go."


"Yeah, of course I would drive the space ship but your presence has been requested on Argo, but you can't tell Kara, it's a surprise."

"Alex I can't lie to Kara."

"I know, which is why we aren't lying, I'm going to tell her we are going on a work trip."

"Okay, fine but you're telling her, I'm not getting my head ripped off by a kryptonian."

"Great, I'll tell Kara and you can tell Chris."

"Wait no, I'll just tell Chris the truth."

"Please, it's Chris, she'll end up spilling it out by accident."

"Ugh you're right, fine I'll tell her. Didn't want to get my head ripped off by a kryptonian so now I'm getting it ripped off by an Almeraci." Lena said between her teeth.


"So you, Lena Luthor are going on a work trip with Alex Danvers? My girlfriend?" Chris said leaving a breaths space between the words.

"For gods sake, yes Chris I've told you this 5 times now."

"Okay, have fun I guess." Chris turned around and continued cooking.

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