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Chris's phone rang, waking her up from her slumber. She felt around for her phone and suddenly jolted herself awake realising she wasn't in her apartment. She looked at her body and saw she was shirtless and her jeans were slightly undone. She blinked several times trying to adjust her vision, ignoring her banging headache. She heard a voice and saw the red head come near her.

"Oh my god. What did I do?"

"Really Trodaire? You don't remember the very memorable night we had?" Alex teased.

"No. Please oh god please tell me I didn't, we didn't."

"You still got your clothes on don't you?"

Chris replied "barely"

"We didn't do anything."

"But where's my shirt plus my trousers are half off."

"You woke up in the middle of the night complaining about the heat and then you fell asleep whilst taking your clothes off."

"Oh okay, that sounds like me." Chris said in relief falling back down on the bed

"Breakfast is ready and so is your aspirin and water." Alex said handing her some tablets and water.

Chris made her way to the kitchen island and sat down and saw the food Alex had made. She sat herself down opposite Alex and ate in silence. A few moments had passed and Alex decided that now was the time to break the silence.

"Wanna tell my why you drank yourself to sleep last night?"

Chris shook her head 'no'

"Okay, when you're ready to talk I'm here." Alex placed her hand on top of Chris's.

Chris closed her eyes and inhaled, she felt how right it felt for Alex's hand to be in hers.

"She broke up with me."

Alex let out an 'oh'. She moved to hold Chris who was on the verge of crying.

"She's an idiot. She had someone so amazing and she lost her, you Christine Elizabeth Trodaire are an amazing person, and Sam was too blind to see that no I was too blind to see that."

"She's right." Chris whispered.


"I said she's right. I do still love you." Chris said louder before cupping Alex's face and embracing her into a kiss. Alex was startled for a second and then kissed back. It took several moments for them to finally break away for air, both of them panting as if they just ran a 10k marathon.

"Chris?" Alex called the woman.


"Chris. We need to talk first"

Chris looked at the woman's eyes and nodded.


Lena entered her penthouse the next morning walking the walk of shame. Instead she wasn't ashamed of the night she had with the woman she loved. "Chrisss"


"Chris" Lena said louder.

"For fucks sake Chris come out. I have news." Lena said sounded frustrated yet excited.

After an eerie silence Lena made her way to Chris's room, she knocked and heads no answer, she opened the door to find the bed not been slept in.

She rang Chris's phone and it was answered with her voicemail.

She called Kara to see if Chris had contacted her but apparently she hadn't. She called Sam and she told her that she hadn't heard from her since the breakup.

"She broke up with you?"

"Well no, I broke up with her, she's still in love with her ex. Is she okay Lena?"

"Sam, she was gonna choose you. She told me that you were her choice."

"I'm doing this for her. Yes , I would have loved to have a future with her, but I didn't want a future where she debated every night If she made the right choice."

"Sam, she told me she stayed up all night trying to choose, and in the end you won 3 times and Alex won 5. She still chose you."

"Lee, I'm not her destiny."


"So Sawyer is out of the picture?"


"So she's not gonna come back and take you away again."

"She couldn't even if she tried. She told me to go after you."

"Maggie? You are mad." Chris said laughing whilst pacing.

"How are you not so hungover?"

"Alien genes, since I got my powers I have higher metabolism. It's annoying but I can have a fair fight with Kara for food."

"Okay then, but Chris. Sam?"

"Oh yes, Sam the woman who broke up with me in front of her new neighbour who she is probably banging right now as we speak."

"Then she's losing out." Alex moved over to hug the crying woman.

Just before Alex could open her mouth to speak, the door slammed open.


"Yes Kara, Chris is here, what's with the dramatics?"

"We couldn't find her, and Sam told us what happened." She made her way to the brunette embracing her in a hug. "I'm so sorry"

"Thanks little Danvers"

"Are you okay?" She whispered.

"I'm fine, I was just chatting with Alex. Don't worry."

"Okay, I should get going then, no rest for supergirl."

"Bye kyptonian" Chris chuckled.

"Bye almeraci- human" Kara retorted.

Kara left leaving the two women alone again.

"Chris I'm not asking for us to go back to how we were before, but I just I want you back. And I think that means starting over."

"Al, I love you I really do, and I do want to be with you, but I'm scared. I'm scared Maggie or another ex will come back and you'll leave me for them."

"Chris, for the months you left me, I was a mess, I was miserable every single day. I realised that when you came into my life, I had light I had joy, you Christine Elizabeth Trodaire, you are my light. I can't lose you, not again." Alex's tears rolled down her face. Chris walked up to her and kissed the tears away.

"You're my light too Danvers." She kissed her lips but moved away too soon. "But I need some time Alex. I need some time to figure out myself."


"Wait for me?"


"I want to be with you Al, I just I need some time."

"I'll wait for a billion years to be with you Chris." Alex kissed the grey eyed woman's forehead and then rested hers against it.

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