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Chris knocked on Lena's penthouse door waiting for the human to open it.

" LEEEENAAAAA. Open the dooooor" Chris shouted through the plank of wood.

" okay okay I'm coming."

Lena opened the door just for Chris to burst in.

" come on let's get started. What's there left to do for the big day."

" A LOT "

" Okay. List time. Dress, done. Wedding decorations, done. Wedding hall?"

" yup done." Lena assured her.

" yay. Okay cake? "


" guests list, done. Speech?"

" I have to do a speech?"


" oh. Then no I haven't done a speech."

"Okay. It seems like everything else is sorted. Let's get the speech done before kara gets back."

" okay."

" Lena. Have you done your vows yet?"

"Ummm no. I thought I might just wing it"

" Lena Luthor never have I ever heard you say you're gonna just wing something let alone your vows. What's wrong?"

" what if she decides she doesn't want to marry me? What if she thinks I'm just like the other Luthors? Chris, what if she doesn't love me as much as I love her?"

" Lena, Kara loves you so freaking much. Believe me she wants to marry you. She's so excited for the wedding day and she wants you, you're the one for her Lena. And I pretty sure she knows you're not like the other luthors."

" but-"

" Lena luthor I will draw on your white couches."

" okay okay."

" now speech time"


" Kara." Alex's voice was just above a whisper.

" yeah?" Kara looked to her older sister with concern written on her face.

" never mind."

Kara stopped in her tracks.

" Alex. What's wrong?"

" nothing, I promise"


" jeez okay it's just I'm nervous, my little sister is getting married in less than 3 days and I'm still stuck in a limbo with Chris about our wedding date and I don't know what to do for your hen night and then I have to do a speech omg I don't know how to do a speech, and what if I lose the rings? Kara what if I lose the rings Lena would kill me-"

Kara reached over to her stressed sister and hugged her. She stopped rambling and relaxed into Kara's embrace.

" I'm sorry." Alex whispered

" don't be. Let's sort all of this out. Number one. You won't lose the rings you're Alex you haven't even lost your first locker key and that was when you were 11. number 2, wing it, just say what's on your head, and you don't have to do a speech if you don't want to."

" Kara you're my baby sister of course I'm doing a speech."

" cool. Just don't stress about it, go with the flow. Number 3, hen nights are weird, what do you do for a gay hen night, I want to be with Lena, she's my best friend and I want my best friend there so you and Chris can plan something together. And speaking of Chris, PLAN A DATE, just throw a dart at a calendar and go with that, you guys are perfect together."

" okay thanks Kara, you always know how to help"

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