Dreams don't come true

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"Sooo, how do you think it went?"

"Chris, you do know they both want to propose to each other."

"Yeah, but who do you think proposed first?" Chris said snuggling into Alex on her couch.

"Lena, definitely Lena. Kara would be too oblivious to realise that she was proposing until she actually asked her to marry her."

"She's not that bad."

"Lena bought a $750 million company for her and she didn't take it as a hint."

"Yeah, that's quite bad." Chris chuckled.

"So, wanna talk about what happened at the DEO?"

"Oh. Okay sure."

"We don't have to. We can just stay here and watch a movie?"

"No I think it's good if we talk." Chris sat up, both of them frowning at the loss of contact.

"So as I said I saw Eliza, and oh god, she was beautiful, but something felt different than before, and it wasn't how we both were dead, it was like I did love her but something changed, like my whole heart didn't belong to her, it belonged to you. And I guess she knew that, she told me to stop wasting time and to be with you, because Alex that is really what I want, I want you."

"I want you too." Alex leaned in and kissed the other woman.


The evening went by slowly, just as Chris was slowly falling asleep, the door burst open, the kryptonian and Luthor ran in waving their hands in the air.

"WE ARE GETTING MARRIED." Lena announced showing them the ring. Chris and Alex both jumped up with smiles on their face, both of them cheering for the happy couple.

"Oh my god, your rings. They're beautiful." Chris admired the two rings.

"So, tell us everything" Alex moved to her kitchen getting 4 champagne glasses and a bottle of champagne, pouring it in for each of them.

Lena and Kara both told them how their evening went and left out no details. Chris and Alex both sat there with grins on their faces both happy for their sisters.


The evening flew by, Lena and Kara attached to each other as if they were glued together, Chris and Alex engaged in conversations about aliens and new fighting techniques they had recently learned, it was soon getting late and Lena and Kara had decided it was time for them to leave, they said their goodbyes and made their way to Lena's penthouse. Chris stayed behind and helped Alex clean up, she noticed the clock and read the time '03:32 am'.

"Well I guess time does fly by when you're having fun." Chris chuckled. Alex looked at the clock and saw the time, her wide eyes showing she wasn't aware of how late it was.

"Well, I would offer you to stay, but you don't live far enough for any of my excuses."

"Danvers, don't you know, you don't need a reason for me to want to spend time with you." Chris walked over to Alex and wrapped her arms around her neck.

"Really?" Alex teased, her lips brushing against the other woman's. Chris nodded and smashed their lips together.

The two women spent the night at Alex's apartment, both exploring the others body.


The next morning Chris woke up with her body wrapped around Alex's. She smiled and kissed the woman's cheek moving to her lips.

"Let me sleep."

"Come on, it's the morning. We have to get up."

"It's too fucking bright."

"Aww, do you have a hangover?"

"Shhhh, you're shouting."

"Babe, I'm barely talking."

"Too loud." Alex put her pillow over her head covering her ears.

"Okay, I'm going to make you breakfast and coffee, so when you feel like getting up, you can."

Alex put her thumbs up as response to the brunette.

Chris made breakfast for the two of them and then made the coffee. After this was all completed she walked over to Alex's bed.

"Come on, my love. Time to get up."

Alex gave no response. Chris grabbed them duvet and pulled it off her girlfriend. "Danvers, come on, coffee and breakfast."

Alex growled at the woman.

"I hate you and your alien metabolism.

"Love you too."

Alex said something under her breath and Chris chuckled at her. She kissed her cheek and walked over to her own stool and sat and ate the food.

"The food is nice, thank you." Alex said through gritted teeth.

"Thank you, my love. Wanna tell me what's wrong, because this isn't hangover Alex."

"Nothing." Alex played with the fork in her hand looking down at her food.

"Alex." Chris said seriously

"I'm just tired."

"Alex." Chris moved closer to Alex, placing her hand on top of the other woman's, interlocking their fingers. "I'm here, what's wrong?"

Alex let out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding.

"I want kids."

"I know darling, and we will have them."

"It's just, I'm an agent at the DEO, you're a superhero, and we are both putting ourselves in danger every damn day." Alex took another deep breath before continuing. "I had a dream that we had 4 children, and I was out on an alien hunt and you were home with them, and when I came home there was an alien holding all of you hostage, I just, I saw my children and my love die. I know I don't actually have kids now but it still felt real." Alex was now crying.

"Alex, darling." Chris hugged her tight. "Nobody can take me away from you, and when we have children, with us as their mums and Lena and Kara as their aunts, no one can hurt them."

Alex cried into her girlfriends shoulder. "Don't leave me please."

"I wouldn't dream of it my love."

"Okay, just stay here today. Please?"

"Of course."

So Chris did, she stayed there for the whole day, comforting and joking around with Alex. The day had gone by so fast that they had not realised that the evening had come.

Greetings. Just wanted to apologise for the late update lol. I have been so busy with college and exams. My exams got pulled forward by a long time so I have an exam next week instead of January so I'm revising like crazy. But I promise I will try to update whenever I can.
Alright I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

What do you think will happen next?

Comments make me happy 😊

-The author. Iqra

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