- Percy II -

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- Percy II -

I set Bianca down in the bassinet, and slid into the bed next to Annabeth. She stirred. Her eyes blinked open and she put a hand on my cheek.

"How'd the meeting go? Did Bianca-"

"Bianca slept like a baby. Because she is a baby. But she'll probably wake up soon," I promised, cutting her mumbling off. She smiled and buried herself in my chest.

"Can we train together tomorrow? I need to get back into shape after the baby," she asked softly.

I nodded happily. "Yeah. Anything you want," I promised and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She gave me a small smile, before twisting and cuddling up next to me.

"Goodnight. I love you."


I was awoken that night by Bianca's loud wail. I carefully removed myself off of Annabeth, and picked her out of her bassinet.

"Hey baby. It's okay, Daddy's here. Are you hungry?" I cooed. She continued to cry. "Okay baby, lets go get some milk." I formed a pacifier out of water, and started my way to the big house. Annabeth had been storing her extra breast milk there, because it was the only place with electricity. The harpies gave me a wary glare, but didn't even take a step towards us. And other than that we were alone. As we took a step into the house the door creaked. The walls were warm with light and the hallway stretched for what seemed like forever. Finally, we reached the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle from the fridge and heated it in my hands, testing it on my finger to wake sure it was the right temperature. 


"Open up baby," I murmured and pulled the Water-pacifier out. Her tiny lips closed around the bottle. We sat quietly for 10 minutes until someone came into the room. I looked up and found Annabeth's cousin, Magnus.

"Oh! Um, I can go if you'd like," he offered awkwardly.

I shot him a small smile and shook my head. "No, it's all good. Bianca was hungry and I didn't want to wake Beth," I explained, gesturing to the baby. He nodded and opened the fridge.

"So... Annabeth seems really happy around you. You're not going to do anything to change that, right?" he questioned cautiously, back turned to me. I winced and moved my attention back down towards Bianca.

"No. No, never again. I love her more than anyone, except maybe the kids. And my mom."

"Okay then. You seem like a pretty cool guy, and like I said, you make Annabeth happy. That's all that matters."

"Well thanks. And thanks for looking after her when I couldn't. I understand why you might have doubts for a while. She's your cousin, and you love her. But rest assured, I'm doing everything I can to make sure her and the kids will survive. No matter what," I promised. Bianca finished her bottle with a gurgle, and I put a rag over my shoulder. I started to burp her.

"Your seem like a really good father," he finally said.

And with that, we slid into easy conversation for what felt like hours, before Bianca and I went back through camp. The small girl was asleep peacefully in my arms as I entered the cabin. Annabeth was already whimpering in her sleep. I set the baby down gently and moved to her side.

"Annabeth, babe, wake up," I whispered. She whimpered but didn't wake up. I shook her shoulder, making her shoot up and yelp.

"I- what- Percy," she cried and buried herself in my arms. "W-what are- why are you up?" she hiccuped.

I pressed kisses all along her hair line.

"Bianca was hungry. I took her to the big house and then talked to your cousin for a while. He's a cool guy," I whispered.

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