- Lukas I -

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- Lukas I -

The apartment was empty. And when I say empty, I mean empty. The walls were blank, floors stripped of furniture. 

"This is... not what I was expecting," Aunt Thals said softly. 

"Let's split up. Check the walls, cabinets, floor boards. Everywhere," Jason instructed and we scattered. I went down the hall with Charlie, our hands brushing the walls. 

"This is where daddy grew up," she whispered. We turned the corner, and came to a room. I turned the handle. It was blank like the rest. There was a built in closet, doors shut tight. 

"This was your father's room," a voice bleated from behind me. I turned to meet Grovers eyes. "We used to play video games here. Or eat Sally's cookies. Back then it was painted blue, and constantly a pigsty. And then Percy went to camp. Went on his first quest. It changed him. For the better," he said wistfully, touching the door frame. 

"YOU GUYS! I FOUND-" there was a thud. I took one last look at the place where my Dad grew up, and ran into the direction of the voice. When I got into the room, Silena was passed out on the floor. 

"Just give her a minute," Charlie said, fingering her necklace. 

And a few minutes later, Silena jolted up, shaking. Her body wracked with sobs and she clawed at her throat, gasping for air. Uncle Beckendorf tried to wrap an arm around her but she flinched away. Her eyes seemed to clear up, and her breathing steadied. 

"Don't touch it. Its-" her voice broke and she leaned into him. 

"What did you see?" he whispered to her. She glanced up at him, shaking her head. 

"Not with the twins around. Maybe not ever. Just- someone put it with the other one," she croaked. Reyna took it with the fabric and tucked the two pieces away. 

"C'mon. Next stop, the Williamsburg bridge!"


I forgot how bad New York traffic is. Cars speed down the bridge, making it impossible to search. "Well what do we do now?" Uncle Ethan asked. 

"Hazel, can you try to find the metal, and bring it to us?" Franky asked, and Hazel nodded. 

"I can try," she said, clenching her eyes shut. 

Nothing happened for a minute but soon a sharp piece of metal came flying at us. It impaled itself in the metal behind us. I pulled it out, and was in a different scene.


Annabeth and I stayed shoulder to shoulder, facing opposite directions. A dark shape passed over me, and I dared to glance up. 

Blackjack and Porkpie were swooping in, kicking our enemies in the helmets and flying away like very large kamikaze pigeons. We'd almost made it to the middle of the bridge when something strange happened. I felt a chill down my spine—like that old saying about someone walking on your grave. Behind me, Annabeth cried out in pain. 

"Annabeth!" I turned in time to see her fall, clutching her arm. A demigod with a bloody knife stood over her. In a flash I understood what had happened. 

He'd been trying to stab me. 

Judging from the position of his blade, he would've taken me—maybe by sheer luck—in the small of my back, my only weak point. Annabeth had intercepted the knife with her own body. But why? She didn't know about my weak spot. No one did. I locked eyes with the enemy demigod. He wore an eye patch under his war helm: Ethan Nakamura, the son of Nemesis. Somehow he'd survived the explosion on the Princess Andromeda. I slammed him in the face with my sword hilt so hard I dented his helm. "Get back!" I slashed the air in a wide arc, driving the rest of the demigods away from Annabeth. "No one touches her!" "

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