- Zoë I -

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- Zoë I -

"Morning sleepyhead," a voice murmured into my ear. I blinked my eyes open. I was cuddled up on the couch with Luke. His arms wrapped around my waist, and he buried his face into the crook of my neck.

"Can't we just stay here? Forever? And not go on this quest," I begged, turning to face him.

"It'll be okay. I'll be by your side this whole time, I promise," Luke reassured her. She scrunched her nose up and covered his mouth.

"Your breath stinks," I deadpanned sleepily. He sat up, shoving me off the couch.

"Luke!" I groaned.

"Yes Zo-Zo?" Lukas asked and skipped into the room. "What are you doing on the floor?"

"Your Uncle over there pushed me off," I grumbled, standing up.

"Piper and Charlie are making waffles. How many do you want?"

"A million!"

"Luke, that's unreasonable. We'll each have 3 please,"I cut in. He nodded and skipped out of the living room.

"He's actually adorable," Luke mumbled. He was still half buried in the blankets. I smiled at him and grabbed the soft covers. His eyes widened in realization, before he whimpered and shook his head.

"You wouldn't dare," he hissed. In a single swipe, I pulled them away. He curled in on himself and flipped me off angrily.

"Boys. Now I'll be helping with breakfast, brush your teeth," I demanded. I pressed a quick kiss onto his forehead and made my way to the kitchen. Charlie had a waffle mix around her mouth. Her tongue was licking up the batter from a big wooden spoon, eyes darting around nervously. "Charlotte, are you eating raw batter?" I scolded. Piper turned her head and groaned annoyedly.

"Char-Char I told you not to do that," she hissed, pulling the spoon out of her hands.

"But it tastes so good! Mama lets me do it," the 8 year old whined miserably.

"I call bullshit," Piper growled.

"UNCLE JASON! PIPER SAID A BAD WORD," Charlotte screamed and smirked at her godmother.

"You might as well be a daughter of Hermes," Piper hissed.

"Piper, we talked about this last night! You can't cuss in front of the twins, you know very well Annabeth will get mad if they are saying curse words," Jason cried as he walked into the kitchen.

"She's a little snitch. She lied and said Annabeth let her eat raw batter," Piper whined, pulling a waffle off of the machine.

"Charlie is that true?" Jason asked disapprovingly.

Charlie couldn't meet his eyes. "Maybe," she finally admitted.

"Charlotte Bob-Iapetus Jackson. You know you're not supposed to lie."

"Why not! Lukey lied to Arachne, and you didn't get mad at him," Charlie protested.

"That was different. He was protecting us against monsters," Jason explained gently. He tilted his head at her sympathetically. "How about this. You can only lie when it's an emergency, Okay?" He offered. Charlie considered that for a minute.

"Fine. But you can't tell daddy when he wakes up. I don't want him to get mad and leave again," she whispered. That snapped me back into focus.

"Charlie no. He won't leave again," I argued. "He didn't want to leave in the first place. If he had known annabeth was pregnant- curse or no curse, he would have stayed. He felt so guilty once he learned about you and your brother. He loves you two more than anything else in the world," I promised, moving a hand to rub her back.

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