- Magnus I -

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- Magnus I -

"Is she gonna be okay?" Alex asked Luke as Silena ran out of the room. Beckendorf stood up to follow her, but Charlie beat him to the punch.

"Let me do it," she begged. The tall man stared down at the small girl, and nodded.

"She'll be okay. We- we just lost a member of our family in the recent battle. It's a touchy subject," he said quietly. Alex's mouth formed a small 'O'.

"Sorry I-"

"It's okay. Percy took it the hardest though," Zoë said quickly.

Percy Jackson. The boy who abandoned my cousin while she was pregnant. I mean, I know the dude was cursed, but i'm not sure what I think about him yet. Alex slipped his hand into mine and squeezed lightly. "So tell me about Percy. Annabeth never really talked about him because it made her too sad," I asked the couple.

Zoe and Luke exchanged a nervous glance. "When he's in a good mood? He's fun and sassy. He likes blue food, and pranks. He's extremely loyal and patient when it comes to his friends and family. He also likes the water a lot," Luke said carefully. My eyebrows scrunched.

"And... when he's not in a good mood?" As soon as my words left my mouth, both of their faces changed.

"He's sad. He won't leave his room, won't eat. The nightmares take over his nights, and the self loathing takes over his days. But we're hoping now that he has Annabeth it will be better," Zoe explained.


"From what she's told us about their quests and things he sounds like a real hero," Alex chuckled. Zoe, Luke, and Beckendorf snorted simultaneously.

"He is. But don't let him hear you say that or else he'll be in a mood all day. That dude is the most humble person alive," Beckendorf joked. "Chaos's army is basically a mix of brave dead people, but Percy never died technically. So basically the ruler of the universe hand selected him, and somehow he never gets a big head about it."

I let out a light laugh. But I still couldn't get the doubt out of my mind. "Can I ask you something?" The trio nodded. "Are him and Annabeth really a good match? I mean, I know he's a hero, and that this whole situation was just a big misunderstanding, but Annabeth's like a sister to me. I just worry that-"

"He's not good enough. Or maybe he'll do it again," Alex cut in. It was quiet for a minute, other than the kids talking in the background.

"We get it. We're worried too. Percy's like our brother, so were always gonna have our doubts. But right before the war, he told us that he was leaving the army. For good. He said he wanted to be with Annabeth, and the twins. He had a ring and everything," Luke said gently.

"Even before he found out about the curse, he would cry out for Annabeth during nightmares," Zoe said helpfully.

"He sounds cool," Alex put in. He was wearing one of his signature sweater vest over a button up shirt, and a pair of pink cargo shorts. We've been dating for 7 years now, and somehow he just kept getting cuter. My thoughts were cut off by Silena and Charlie re-entering the room.

"Silena! Are you okay?" Beckendorf asked quickly. They had a quick whisper exchange before settling down at the table. "Sorry about that. Um... what are we talking about?"


After breakfast, everyone gathered their stuff quickly and met on the steps outside.

"Richmond, here we come!" Sadie said energetically. She was just like Annabeth had described to me.


My heart ached for my cousin. She has had such a crappy life, and didn't deserve this torture. She was so close, yet so far from Percy. It was like a cheesy romance novel, or one of those Harry Potter fanfictions.

"Okay, everyone hold hands," Nico commanded. I slid one hand into Alex's hand, and the other into Reyna's. Hazel and Nico shot each other a nervous glance, before we were swept into a pool of shadows. The cold hit me like a brick, squeezing every part of me until I felt like I was going to burst. But as soon as it started, it stopped. We were spit up onto a grassy hill, which we proceeded to tumble down. My breathing quickened as we came to a halt, relieved that it was over.

"That was... intense," Thalia painted from a few feet away. I got to my feet, and helped Alex up quickly.

"You good shadow twins?" Leo asked Hazel and Nico. They're faces were pale, breath quick.

"I'm gonna need-" Nico cut himself off to gasp for air. "- a second."

"Is anyone hurt?" Will called, helping his boyfriend up. I heard a small whimper and turned to look at Lukas. His knee was scratched up, but other than that, he was okay.

"Can I have some nectar?" he asked shakily. Will rushed over to the blonde 8 year old, quickly pouring some liquid over the wound. It healed within seconds.

"Lukey are you okay?" Charlie cried, rushing over to her twin. A few pieces of grass were stuck to her clothes and arms, but other than that she looked fine. The two took up a conversation.

"I swear to all the gods if we return the twins hurt Annabeth and Percy will destroy us," Jason mumbled. Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"We need to be more careful. Mnymosene probably knows what we're up to by now, so she'll be sending more monsters our way," Luke pointed out. "The twins should have someone with them at all times. We can't let them out of our sight," he continued.

"I'll take the first shift. Then we'll figure it out from there," Thalia offered.

"That sounds okay. On another note, does anyone know where we are?"


"Hey Magnus?" I turned to look at my godson. "What was Mama like when we were babies?" Luke asked curiously. His seagreen eyes shone up at me.

"Well, for starters, she was REALLY overprotective. I mean, she barely let me hold you. But she had your best interest in mind. I don't think 4 different Pantheons would be good for staying away from monsters," I joked. "Why?"

His eyes scrunched up. "Well, I had a dream last night. Mama had a new baby, but it wasn't Charlie or I. She had grey eyes, and her name was Bianca. I just don't know why I would see that in a dream," he admitted.

"You know, not all dreams mean something. Sometimes you might just dream of something you want to happen." He didn't look convinced, but nodded dejectedly.

"Is this the right place?" Piper asked from the front of the group.

I looked at the tall house nervously. "Yeah. Annabeth's childhood home. The place where she was neglected as a child. I'm soooo excited!" I said sarcastically. Alex whacked my head, and shot me a glare. "Fine. I just have a bad feeling about this," I admitted.

"Same. Annabeth has little to no good memories in this house, so we should be careful," Thalia agreed. Jason pushed the door open, and it creaked loudly.

"I'm getting Coraline vibes here," Carter commented.

"Ahhhhh. Demigods. Spawn of Athena. I've been waiting for you," someone hissed. Her voice echoed around the house, and the door slammed behind us. "Come die at the hands of the best weaver in the world."

A/N: Hi i'm back! This is kinda a filler, but the next few chapters are pretty packed. I just got back from the WORST camping trip ever. Please vote and comment! XOXO, Alexandra <3

What beverage does Mr. D drink instead of wine?

1,257 Words

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