- Piper I -

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- Piper I -

I kept an eye on Charlie and Luke the whole train ride. Thalia was asleep on a blushing Reyna's shoulder, and had a small puddle of drool on her shirt where Charlie was asleep. Annabeth told me the first words she ever said to Percy were "you drool when you sleep," so it wasn't a surprise that the twins drooled. Jason had a similar spot on his shoulder, where Luke was asleep.

"Percy's gonna kill us," Zoë murmured. I glanced at her.

"So's Annabeth. But I'd prefer them mad at us then in an eternal coma," I pointed out. She gave me a small nod before looking out the window. It was quiet for another minute.

"We have to save them. I don't care what it costs, but their family deserves to be happy," Luke said, making eye contact with each of us. His blonde hair was longer than the photos at camp. His scar seemed less visible. I had heard so many stories about him, both good and bad, so it was weird that he was here, sitting in front of us.

"Okay, the awkwardness of this room is too much to handle. We should do an icebreaker," Silena cut in. We all turned our heads to her. She seemed to flinch at our gaze.

"Like what?" Jason asked cautiously.

She grinned. "20 questions! We start with one person, they ask a question, and everyone answers. And then the next person asks a question." It was quiet for another moment.

"Okay. That sounds fun," Hazel agreed. "Who's starting?"

"Me!" Leo cut in. I almost cursed. Leo was the WORST person to play party games with. There was this one time- actually, nevermind. That's probably not the best story to tell. Just don't play party games with him, especially when there's alcohol involved. "What's the most illegal thing you have ever done?" he asked quickly, but glanced at our revived friends. "When you were alive," he added.

It was quiet, until Silena raised her hand. "I used charmspeak to steal makeup once," she chuckled. I smiled at her.

"I used charmspeak to steal a BMW once," I admitted. Silena threw her head back with a laugh, and whacked Beckendorf's arm.

"Charlie here exploded a BMW once. We were on a date and he used it to kill a monster," she giggled.

"I broke into the king of Athens royal vault once," Zoe admitted.

"I stole Zeus's master bolt."

"Percy, Annabeth, and I blew up the gateway arch," Grover said quietly. The compartment got quiet.

"Next question. What's your biggest fear."


The train ride went quick after that. We talked and laughed, making Thalia and Nico up. Before we knew it, we were in Boston. I nudged Luke awake, and he jolted up from Jason's shoulder, whipped his mouth, and stood up to stretch.

"Do we know where mama's mysterious cousin lives?" he asked groggily. I knit my eyebrows.

"I thought YOU knew?" I shot back, making both of them shake their heads.

"Mama never let us meet him. She said it was dangerous. All we have on him is this'' Luke explained, pulling a small envelope out. It looked around 6 by 4 inches, and horribly thin. "Mama hid this incase something happened to her. It was behind the photo of her and Dadda from when they were 16. She told us to read it carefully." He tore the envelope open quickly, passing it to his namesake.

Luke cleared his throat, and started to read. "My dear Lukas and Charlotte. If you are reading this, it means I am dead, or unable to take care of you. There are a few things you need to know. Number one, you are more powerful than you know. You can control substances such as poison, and probably even blood. Just because you have these powers, does not make you two monsters. Number two, your grandmother lives in Manhattan. Ask Grover, he'll take you. Number three, when you can, call the number enclosed. They are good friends, and should know what happened to me. Lastly, my cousin Magnus lives in Boston. I have enclosed his address below, so please tell them about the situation. I love you so much, and I will always be with you in spirit. You have lots of people who love you, and I have absolute faith in them. Always and forever, Annabeth. P.S. If you find your father, tell him I love him," he finished. He flashed us her signature, and sure enough, it was real.

"This place isn't too far away. Maybe 10ish blocks?" Zoë mused from next to him. I started to ask how she knew but she shook her head, stopping my curiosity in its tracks.

"Well then let's get going," Charlie said enthusiastically, jumping on Beckendorf's back. He grunted, but made no move to get her off.

"Can we get food?" Leo complained, soldering his backpack. And with that, we made our way into the city.


We sat around a booth in Taco Bell, munching away at our mexican food. Charlie and Luke were practically moaning in awe. They had never had Taco Bell.

"Oh gods this is amazing," Charlie groaned, taking a sip of Sprite.

"I'm gonna make Mama and Dadda take us here all the time," Luke promised.

No one brought up the eminent threat of war, or the fact that Percy and Annabeth were currently in a coma. The twins munched on their chips happily. They almost seemed normal. Like two normal 7 year olds. The thought was heartbreaking. They are 7. They watched their mother slowly lose herself, and when she finally got better, they watched both of their parents go into a coma. Now there is a quest to save their family, and they are being challenged in new, horrible ways. And there only 7. It's horrible. I didn't realize I had been staring until Leo snapped in front of my face.

"What's going on beauty queen? You good?" he questioned. I shook myself out of my thoughts and smiled.

"Sorry, just got caught up in my thoughts. Are you two excited to be starting school in September?" Their moods quickly dampened.

"I wish Mama would let me go to school at camp," Luke groaned. There were classes at camp, but ever since they were little, Annabeth had insisted on the twins getting an education in New Rome. During the summer, they lived in new york, but the rest of the time they stayed in the city. Whenever asked about it, she would simply reply,

"It's what Percy would have wanted".

The conversation would always quickly shut down after that.

"Well if Percy and Annabeth wake up-"

"When." Charlie interrupted.

Thalia hesitated. "Right. When they wake up, you'll all be in New Rome together," she reassured the girl, rubbing her shoulders. This seemed to please the twins, because they quickly went back to happily eating their food.

"Are you guys almost done? We need to get going," Luke said compassionately. We were all very fond of the twins. Charlie scoffed down the rest of her chips, and stood up.

"Done. Let's go meet our mysterious second cousin."


"Are we sure this is the right place?" Will asked, staring at the front doors of the mansion.

"I think Annabeth would have mentionioned if she had a rich cousin."

"It explains how she paid for the twins. She was so worried the first few months, but she never brought up debt again after that," Reyna mused. Charlie and Luke were tightly holding hands, staring at the door nervously. A month ago, the only biological family they had was their Mom, and their godly grandparents. Now they had their dad, mortal grandma, aunt, and second cousin. They had a right to be scared. Luke brought his hand to the door, and rapped 3 times. A minute later the door opened, and revealed a mess of green hair.


A/N: BAHAHAHA i'm evil. Last night I got food poisoning and I had a panic attack bc I thought I had COVID, but I don't! Please remember to wear your masks, and stay safe. Any guesses on who the green haired person is? XOXO, Alexandra <3

What actress does Aphrodite dislike?

1,327 Words

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