- Charlie III -

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- Charlie III -

"Charlie, babe? I need you to wake up from your endless sleep," a voice murmured quietly. I managed to shake my head and bury myself in the covers. A second later, the covers were ripped off of me.

"No! This isn't fair," I whined.

"Charlie let's go! By tomorrow, we'll be able to wake up Mama and Dadda!" my twin pushed. He poked my forehead repeatedly until I opened my eyes.

"Stop it you turd."

"Don't call me a turd! Mama told you not to say that word."

"Well mama's not here and I wanna sleep."

"We can go get donuts."


I ate my donut silently.

"Hey Char-Char how's your side doing? Do you need some nectar or ambrosia?" Will pried.

"I'm fine! Can you cut it out? I'm 100% back to normal," I snapped.

His eyes narrowed. "I know you Jackson girls. When your mom was pregnant she was looking for Percy, trying to contact Percy's mom, and dealing with your grandpa. I had to station a designated guard to make sure she stayed on bedrest. You're too stubborn and proud for your own good."

"No I'm not!"

"You're being stubborn about how you're not stubborn!"

At this point I could see some people around us starting to stare.

"Just eat a little bit. Please," Nico cut in. I scrunched my nose up but traded my doughnut for the small square. I nibbled on it- only a corner- before handing it back. "Thank you Coco. I don't want your parents getting mad at me. They are scary when it comes to people they love, and I don't want to see what it looks like when it comes to you two," Nico continued.

His finger twirled a strand of my hair. "When was the last time someone braided your hair? It's all tangled," Luke asked and scrunched his nose.

"Well I haven't exactly had anyone to braid it," I whined, snatching my donut out of his hand. "What are we looking for anyways?"

"Something that points us in the direction of Mnymosnye. A calling card, or something like that. But we should just walk around for a while."


And so we did. We walked for 3 hours before we finally made our way back to the hotel. We had found nothing except for a few demigods scattered around the city.

"Well that was a complete waste of time," Lukey grumbled.

"No it wasn't, we got lots of exercise in," Will scolded.

"And McDonalds. So yes, not a total loss," Nico agreed.

"Did you find anything?" Piper asked as she entered the room.

"Nope. What about you?" Will sighed.

She just shook her head.

Thalia, Luke, and Jason entered the room a few seconds later. There was something between auntie Thalia and Luke that I couldn't quite understand.



Either way, it seemed less tense between them. "All we found were some harpys. And I'm not sure but.. " Thalia trailed off. "Someone almost got an iris message through. I couldn't tell but it was either Malcom or Micheal."

All of the adults exchanged wary glances. They all went out into the hallway, leaving lukey and I in the hotel room alone.

"I don't get it. What's so bad about an iris message? Shouldn't that be a good thing?" he asked me quietly.

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