21. Reality

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Before this becomes an untold story, you'll have to live with experienced personnels to tell the current picture of everyone, to have a simple description of the good and the critic. The critic will forever live like that. The older are wiser and the stories they talk about is what majority of them have passed through. A good day can go bad and a bad day can go good. 

The old will take descriptions from no one else apart from their stories, if not their stories then of stories they've heard, stories that have been lived before, life takes a wise person through a journey they never expected for its their obligation to understand the whole current events and evaluate it. I don't know of tomorrow but giving up is not an option. Today the 30th January was complicated, I lost a blunt with my smoke master,Ngugi but daaamn it was hard loosing it but I just had to let go, in return, in revenge I took a jog down that road, from Evans place to school. It was good, it was smooth 😉, I had to, that blunt was not worth letting go just like that. Life's good hahaha. I'm never mentally rich that's why the simple things are a blessing to me😉. The wind is blowing my mind up not a fucking blunt is fucking me up. Today still there's a guy I told drinking is a calling, I don't know what state I'm in but I'm listening to Lil Wayne-itching👩‍💻, I have to make this a target, to be a pace maker. Words never lie😉, I went to school for a reason.

  The lady on my chapter photo is my aunt and I love her so much. She was my favorite aunt, relaaxx, she still there, she just went to The United States of America 😉, she my pace setter. I can't say I know much, but I know she ain't no dummy, she a tough lady. While in Kenya she was a teacher in Nyeri Good Shepherd Academy, I remember this time when I was a child and I was asked where I want to go to, nyeri primary, nyeri good Shepherd or Mt. Kenya Academy they all top schools in nyeri and I can dare you to check that out haaaahaa. My mind had auntie Cate in it and nyeri good Shepherd was the first and last option. Hmmm,,,, I can imagine the feeling she had when teaching her girl. There was a time I became number two, hahhaha she was too proud she hugged me in front of the other kids hahhhaa then another time I almost never got the answer of an examination we had and she told me to right the answer, daaaaamn being young was a blessing. Mr. 20s aren't easy haaaahaa,, I take time with guys who have already lived their 20s and right now they are in their 30s haaaahaa yeaa. One point I want to tell them, one question I want to ask all of them is what did they put down on paper, though the current events are tricky and they leave you asking what  you ain't getting right.

   I'm with a guy called Alex, I like doing their names because I know by the day they get to see this, they'll have to pass through some other names, I'm a girl and I don't know what will happen tomorrow but one thing I'm glad is my tomorrow is secured. In today's society, daaaamn I'm wayyyyy lucky, I can kinda say that because some many girls somewhere are already married and are now thinking about what their kids will eat tomorrow 🙂. My only concern is daaamn I need somewhere to save money, somewhere to invest, is that what they call hustling?  No one knows when they will forever get good cash, will you really invest it, will you waste it, who knows maybe that is the day that people will flood for you to spoil shiet, money ain't promised, money is attracted.

   Mama would have asked, why do you have those friends, why aren't your friends not the people who don't drink? Arrrrrrrggghh, tired is the word. I got current examinations but I'm still good, let's get writing easy bleeeeehhh

Live strong, life's kinda good and before we call it good let's juggle with words😘 .

Somehow my meditation got wild and I fell to the wrong way which everyone judges and makes their word stay clean, 👰👰

When you feel like your family is one title you will never let go, you'll be grateful you can decide on which car you can get the chance to seat on❤, 

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When you feel like your family is one title you will never let go, you'll be grateful you can decide on which car you can get the chance to seat on❤, 

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