#25.(Mi) Part 30.

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If you want to change a lifestyle, you first have to accept and make it a habit. A habit makes a behaviour and you wont probably notice when the time comes to be in the lifestyle you wanted to be associated with. Do not change your aspirations for the system can never change but yourself can be made better.

The past few months have been worth a mile. From consoling a friend not to commit suicide to actually meeting my long lost friend, Chris Dennis who apparently informed me of the many times his girlfriend has commited abortion and the last time I was around him his girlfriend thought I replaced her and she apparently overdosed herself, liitle did she know she was two weeks pregnant, that made her total up to three miscarriages and two abortions.

On the 19th of January 2022, I got admitted to Outspan hospital and there and then I almost lost my mind, little did I know I would meet some people to whom I will never forget.

Reasons to why I was admitted were not so clear to me but Psychiatrist Dr. Monica Kariuki recommended it for me, to me it was a forced issue coming from my parents but as feeble as I am, arguing is just not something in me. This was after going to drips where the guy I thought would have a chance to have me ditched me live and there I felt like a whole stone came crushing on my head. The first day at the hospital went without me noticing for the hard drugs I had been injected, at least I remember Dennis coming with my mother on the second day of my admission. The second day was my first day to my counselling session with my doctor. She did the best thing by recommending me for gym as part of my medications and it just happens that the best next place I visited was the outspan hospital gym. My first session was where I met y lovely physiotherapist William Ndegwa, he just made me have the urge to continue waiting for when the sun would rise and for me to just go back to the gym. From the treadmill, to the cycling machine to the weight lifting. I recall the last day to my discharge of how I broke down and he became so concerned in a way I did not quite know if my body was sensing the loss of knowing that I was going back home and leaving this fine place I had just adapted to, the hospital and to be more precise the hospital gym. The day before the mental breakdown this was the 25th of January 2022, William pointed out on how I had made his January great and I took that way deep to my heart, I mean that compliment alone made my month special.

Aside from the gym I met different people with different health conditions which I felt pity about, I met this cutie called Joan who came to the hospital due to a goitre which made me almost cry for her after her surgery, she was so pale that I literally went to talk to her the day after and offered her a glass of Ribena, I promised to go visit her but hmmm, there is some point of the oncoming days where I messed, follow up to my next chapter where I go on to spill my beans.

While writing this chapter, my mother just uttered to me that I can write but I get alot of distractions, those distractions give me my everyday lines.

On my encounters of my gym therapies I came across many stroke cases and I happened to talk to one of them. I did not quite get the name but I got his story from beginning to end.

''I met my wife immediately after she finished campus and she was willing to start a life with me, I worked in Tanzania by then but I made sure I provided everything when she needed it, during my off days, I came to Kenya to be with her and with Gods grace, we got pregnant and delivered a bouncing baby boy, I went back to Tanzania and she gracefully got a job at the Kenya Airways. She started earning her own money and this is when everything changed, she would make huge demands every now and then that I decided to leave my job and come back to reside in the country, without informing any authority, I just flew back to the country. We lived together as I tried to find an everyday job. After few months, she got pregnant and later delivered a baby girl. Everyone was excited including her though she complained of how the expenses were getting high. Through the help of relatives and few friends, I managed to employ two house managers whom would make sure the kids were well taken cared of. "

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