#22. Life

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Life may not come as expected but it still may be early to dictate how life is. The past few months have not been favorable for me. From my phone getting lost every now and then, me sleeping in the cell for one whole night and to being on the prime of being an addict, not necessarily alcohol or sex but drugs in general, at the beginning of the year was right after COVID-19 cases had subsided and we were allowed to go back to school. Going back to school was where the whole story started, I didn't go to school on the reporting day but instead I went to visit a boyfriend I had, Eric some fifty kilometres from school, going back to school I found that corona had interfered with every single detail including that the hostels we were being accommodated are now taking in two students unlike before we stayed four per room, BOOM! my room has been occupied, I cant go back at Eric's place and I cant go back home, luckily Ivy gave me a space and I found it fine. Days after going to school I managed to find a room and I settled well after loosing some items.

Days after that were tough, I was all over my friends looking for a house to crush and just find a bed. School was still on the process of opening and admitting students at the same time finding a space for students to get a hostel, bar was mainly where I spent majority of my days so during the day I wasn't so bothered. My father was so insistive I should get a hostel so after days I finally got a room though I got a room I wasn't so happy to get but I just had to stay there for luck of any option. School resumed and we were got hospital placements, the first few weeks were so fluent and I never missed a single shift and disaster started once the guy I was rolling with opened a resort and that became my second home, we slept there and other days I went to reside at my room. Waking up was a process and the only thing which came on my mind was how I would go back to the resort. By the time I realized I had missed two assessments and guy M had started putting me down and treating like another common whore he had.

One night we were peacefully seated in a police camp bar not so far from my school and guy M said he needed to go, I requested for him to take me to school since it was late at night, luckily some other friends of mine were seated on the next table so I went to seat at their table, they welcomed me with warm hearts and also handed me a drink, it was already a Saturday and I had no shift, I relaxed as I laughed with, stories dropped, laughs grew wild and wild. At around 2am another guy joined us, at first I wasn't so concentrative at him though I felt his eyes on me, I continued talking to the people next to me until silence creeped in and I looked at this new guy I hadn't seen before, minutes later I asked for his name and uncle Kang'ara insisted I should for the name, the guy heard the conversation and decided to say his name, I rolled my eyes and stood for the washrooms, coming back I found him seated at the chair I had occupied.

I held few seconds staring at the chair I am supposed to sit to, which was his, I remembered his name, Steve, I murmured at first, "hey Steve, I am Joy, its a pleasure to meet you." I stared at him and ooooo myyyy good people hadn't i seen the wonderful beards he had, I took a seat from behind me and sat next to Steve, everyone looked confused and I just shrugged my shoulders, I looked at him and the smile which formed on his face made me feel a tingling feeling in my chest, I leaned on the arm of my sit and smiled back.

We conversed about each others career, he told me he is an IT expert, well I am just a student of nursing, time flew and the sun rose while stories were being changed every minute after the other, we went to Emirates, which is more of a makuti resort, my phone played the music as stories continued, the whole time I wondered of how I would manoeuvre next to Steve until Kevin Boss came around, he was high that he would do whatever he felt like, he insisted I have a sit next to him and apparently I did. After that, he started buttering about his lady and how she was stressing him about coming home late at night, I sat there wondering what brought me here, the rest noticed my boredom and told Kev to stop wasting my time, it was noon already and my eyelids were heavy already, my stomach was rumbling too, Steve offered lunch including one cup of beer, I asked if he had a place to crush just for one day and we go our separate ways but he just could not think of any ideal place, my heart felt betrayed and I knew the ball was on my court and I decided I will take him to my hostel back at school, I knew that was so against the school rules. I took him around the school under the watchman eyes, after few days that story came to be chaotic but I felt it was so fun, well, honestly we did have our time and wooops I never faced any disciplinary committee, not because the watchman let the story slide, no, but because I was not physically present to face the committee, don't take it like I was running away, events ran from one day to the other.
Put in my diary how family won't be there when you have not been part of what made their name proud).

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