#12. The undisputed mind.

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I study nursing, I may talk much about of how your body operates, I know it from actual definitions and descriptions.
Today I read a text about the stop of menstrual cycle. It's simple that when your monthly cycle stops you are either pregnant or you have reached menopause. The other reason you might not receive your monthly blood flow is because you're using contraceptives. The way artists use their albums and life experiences through music and they give out their pure true life is how writers use their words to speak to the world. For that I urge you to follow wiz khalifa, don't go to his page with any hate , your jokes are his serious world. The album is called Still Wiz, don't say I never told you. I just did.

Honesty is always rewarded, and if I tell you that cyber bulling is coming to an end, don't say I never warned you. Artists got their own private blogs and private funs, and if you get a chance to be on their page, you just consider yourself lucky. Don't get in there saying you will get known by criticizing them, you are lying to yourself. Support them from within yourself, we grow together. No one is special and feelings are real. Inhale the smoke and let the dogs bite 😊. The dogs bark, and only after they feel the atmosphere is cool again, will they stop barking. Ignite the keys and make the run the talk of the town. I'm proud of some Kenyan artists ; Nyashinski being my top one. His songs are just on the point. The words he raps are not from planet Pluto😂, the hate between people is real. Rappers don't quit, they turn words to rhymes. Music should be felt not just sang in clubs and bars for people to be seen that they can crack it. Bob Marley fought for old reggae to thrive and not die, he put beats behind his words, beats are a shadow of words and if you feel your words don't ignite with a certain beat, change the beat, and if you don't want the beat to be altered you got to change the style of your words for them to flow with the beat, dance with the rhythm of the music baby, you ain't an assassin to want to create a beat, you'll be saving the world by introducing the beat. A certain beautiful lady once sang about John Cena, at first it was taken as a very joke especially here in Kenya.😂 'unajifanya hunioni kumbe weh ni John Cena, lakini mimi nimekupenda though, I don't know why you treat me like a criminal.' The artist is from South Africa and it's only reasonable that Swahili was applicable. John Cena fights in the arena, he's a WWE champion. So when a local Kenyan first read this they would first translate it like,, ' you're pretending to not see me as if you're John Cena, I love you and, that's why I just don't get why you still want to fight with me.'
It brought propaganda here and there and people shut their beaks up when the artist came to meet up with John Cena himself. Who wouldn't want to share a dance with a popular John Cena?. The artist went ahead and brought a beat which she gave everyone a chance to come up with words which would fit in, glorious ryt?

The world is full of support you just gave to find where you fit best and make your life great and easy. People ask me what inspires me and the simple excuse I've always tried to say is, the world has million supporters, million artists, find the person you feel enters your soul and study them. Don't be influenced by others stories, let them collect their stories and pile them. We all have different perspectives in life. The day before yesterday I sat with some of my friends just enjoying the blaze and my playlist just happened to play Nyashinski at that period and the person I saw as the most sober told me to put another person apart from nyashinski and I never argued. I kinda argued about it in my mind because earlier, he was the same who told me, " are those the kind of songs you listen to, I like them, they are great. From the time we met to the time he told me to remove nyash, my phone was the only one singing and Nyashinski had flowed from the first song to the one which was currently singing.
I asked myself, do people get bored of listening to the same artist from the beginning to the end? It's not simple right?,
In life you will always listen to someone then something hits you, you will probably remember something you heard about the artist, which is he brags, he is a mess, all his songs are fantastic ( from 'fantasy'), his songs all talk about a beef and there, you will tell yourself you're not part of the beef so you will pave way from them.
Everyone knows how people are eagerly waiting for them to fall, everyone is waiting for the time when rappers will lack words, and the same fake funs and fake friends don't just know that their hate is what makes words, their criticism is summarized and are enough to make a four minute song hit for years.💥

It's not after you realise that we are all one and divided we fall, that's the time you will realise that no one came to raise you and that good is always rewarded.
It's the 29th of September and in todays headlines, you could see how health workers at KNH have striked, patients have now opted to move from the hospital and seek medical assistance elsewhere. KNH( Kenyatta National Hospital) is where free medical services are given the best. Health workers give out their best. They work tirelessly to ensure the country is not a scam when it comes to health, the same hospital made some of the worlds record by performing and succeeding in some of the most critical surgeries. You got the network to search for some of the surgeries which came out successful under the hospitals roof. So, when the management fails to pay them their salaries, they feel betrayed and not accorded for the great work those health workers encounter everyday😽.
Feel tagged and appreciated for getting here. Continue supporting good for a better life. Jah is forever mighty and he'll continue blessing what is worth the blessings.
Find your line, path and stick to it. No one shouts for injustice. No sober mind shouts for others to fall. Trueness is key. Social media handles are never created to make others look bad, social media is for connecting and making the world feel like we are one complete family.
If someone says you're boasting for posting a car you bought, ask them how much they contributed to the deposit of the car?
Live freely baby😽, life's too short to hate😹.

Be inspired, Vote and comment freely,
No hate 👽, it's one world.
If you feel you still don't get how we all have different perspectives in life try explaining your story,. I'm sure someone will be kind to understand it in your line and who knows, you may be more sensible. Not after you live and love though. 😹
I love you so much ❤️.

You are divided into three parts, the mind, the soul and the body.
How you protect the mind is just by not making it think of small stuff, spare it for agendas and big plans. The soul, dedicate it to Jesus and satisfy his name fully, for the body, drink water, exercise daily and eat as much as the body can hold. That's the only present you can reward yourself and get the perfect prize yourself.

For anyone wanting to use contraceptives, you should be double careful about the side effects we don't want you having clots later on in life. Contraceptives interfere with your monthly flow and in result may end up causing clots anywhere else even, at the head.
The best way to avoid drama is just abstinence and if the act is to sweet for you to abstain, better master your safe days, ensure the nigga is liable if any mistake arises, or rather, just make sure he informs you whenever he cums in you, that is after asking. From there you can take emergency pills. Caution that emergency pills aren't that trustable and they may end up backfiring. If by chance you get pregnant inhale the steam and move on. Life is priceless ❤️.
Take care.

The article at the top of this chapter quotes 'you can always redo a course but you cant relive a party'. This is to anyone who has repeated a semester or a course. Maybe partying got so much to you and you found yourself walking to that bar or club each and every day, don't blame yourself that's part of life and it happens to more than million people a year, you either decide to stop partying, to stop studying or you can simply party and study, take care hangovers don't make you fall. Have a glass of coffee in the morning and milk in the afternoon for we need that body energized. Do what you have to do, life is short. Play and pray.
One love, stay young 💚

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