#8. Henry Danger

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It kind all happened my dad was an irresponsible scientist and he kinda get so tipsy and ruined everything, the reason he detroyed everything is because the only thing which he believed so much did not succeed. So he hit it and it happened to reach me, I always sat down and enjoy my dad's science so I was never alone, my mum I never knew where she was. The hit thing splashed and got to me it almost killed me but the only person who helped me was not even my mum but my dad. Oooo don't leave your kids alone.
I got to love my dad more and I kept his path alive. The spirit of love and joy. But now we fight hard and fight crime
It all kinda happened I was looking for an after school job and I found an irridestructable guy whooo, hired me and now we fight crime and blow bundles 😂😂😂, we find ourselves worn in crime suits and fight crime.
Hmmmmm..,,,, don't you lovee your life and wanna keep it young 😊, it's all with us right now , let's keep it young and forever glowing baby.. Keep the memory true and realistic because the real and realistic people are always young and alive.😎
We always swaying, winning no matter the cost... Baby we make it sailing, no one will tell me shiet,,,, they will bow down to me, mbogi genje ft exray(boondocks).... Dammmn I'm making me this possible they say you stink..... Fuck they say you stink ,,,,, wameangalia uku kwote wakaona tu wachukue your vagina maaaahn wachana na wao wabonge babbby baby si tuko zetu maaaahn si mi najipenda , cheki don't make them know you, they don't deserve you, you are more than gold,,,,, stay with no one was wako zao maaahn wacha wabonge, they worth nothing. Once you decide if you want to stay, I use people to make storrries me ukiskia jina yako usiwai tense weeeeh katerremshe they worth nothing....🤧🤧..... Kila morning I talk with Jah telling Jah to protect the day and the rest doesn't matter baaaby you making it happen. .... You always looked people on their eyes , kept eye contact. ... Watu wamekuona ocha dunda hupita kama kaimati hayaaa maneno ilienda brathe you can never get me,,. Daaaamn I don't know you which I saw as the best thing for ,,,,,,meja mse wa nyeri majengo ... ,,, Mi sijazaliwa majengo lakini nakushow majengo ndio chuom.  Maahn,,,,, mi sidai vita bro
Nakulike butttt ziiii mi I can't deal with you and also deal with my business mahn unamedi na kwenu 😂😂😂sibishanangi siku izi Niko busy.😘😌

Haha, I literally dived in lyrics. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a step.

 A journey of a thousand miles starts with a step

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