The dish you wanted

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From the time our brains started to function it always wanted great and higher things in life,the posh cars and the fancy lifestyle. Waking up in the cosy very costly bed with this lovely good scented sheets.
Compare it to now do you even smell good or you still have the stench which you never want anyone else to know well apart from those ones who live with you or rather wake up with you because well it's either you don't care of their opinion or they just ignore it because well they are used to it 😂😅.
Well we are aiming to change it
I hope we sure do anywayyyy in simple terms we all wanted that high life and for most of us who just want to please the whole world we just want the natural high life where everyone will be admiring even the most judgemental people
Don't judge this because if you're already judging it you're already putting your mind through torture for you are just the judgmental person I'm talking to 🐻 trust me I don't care about you but I do care about your mental health so please just flow🐒❤️.
The high life is the best one sweetheart. Everyone wants you wants you to be great in life and to be established but what they may not care alot is how do you get to be so established and so rich. How do you get so much to be motivated to go on with the rich journey.
Well what I'm trying to put in your mind is obviously told to you but how I'll put it in you is not the same way it was put to you before 😂.it's all how you take it
You see it all starts in your mind,it all starts with how you view everything.
You want to live in that cool place where you'll be waking up everyday with these breeze headed directly to you,with these sun rays showering it's best rays pounding on you but you ain't natures best friend. You'll kick out every kind of garbage so harshly to the next ground as if the next ground asked for the rubbish well we all have to have a selective place which we call the garbage pit but make sure you build the garbage too make it clean buy burning up all the top garbage or you may be sure of the garbage turning against you and starting to smell all the way to your meditating place which will make you uncomfortable 😂😂. Trust me my teacher of English always complained of my never having fullstops nor commas😂.
The best foods comes out from the most cleanest ingredients 😉. Be clean stay fresh and you'll feel every scent coming your way, be dirty and smelly and you will  see yourself higher than the garbage smell because well you'll have just compared your bad smell to that of the garbage well you know a lion can't start comparing its strength to that of a rats😂😂.

To be high you have to fight with the aromatic scents of your fancy neighbours.

On this fine day, my father got out and went back to Nanyuki, he went after he has called me out just like normal few talks and goodbye, I was listening to classic 105 when my mother came in and found me on a towel and found me with my coffee haaaaha, she sniffed around and confirmed to me that I had indeed taken the coffee, basically it was a wake up call to go put on the volume everytime she puts it off, I finished my snack and went on to write.

Romeo and Juliet are cool so far, the prince of Montague is currently telling his father of his love for the princess of his greatest enemy, his father conquers that his son has fully forgetten Rosalina, Mercutio is busy focusing on his poem of how his prince has is battling with the thoughts of his greatest enemy daughter.

Fragmented too is cool, Raleigh is getting herself in the thoughts of Harper, Harper recently masturbated in the bathroom, Raleigh controlled her, only to wake up and find Jenn by her side, two days later, Raleigh was in lunch when she received a message that it was over, guess time for the real reason behind Fragmented is coming up, it must be good.

Raleigh is still babysitting while facing schizophrenia, after her last lesson which she flew out from was, on the three types of schizophrenia, catatonic, disorganized which her mother is suspected of going through and paranoid schizophrenia. On the upcoming chapters, I will inform you of how I got to be admitted to Outspan Hospital which was a recommendation by a psychiatrist.

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