#18. Hey, its happening.

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The Purge.

Daaaamn appreciate how far I've come. Pay you you pay me hey where is the mystery of figuring out the mystery in front of the mystery. Yoo, think, you ain't a pig. You are toppest American greatest doctor. Don't be weak. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Daaaaamn I feel like my life just got great. I met the first doctor in my life who urges for the second chance, a second opinion from you and looks at you right in your eye. Blink with the left eye baby . I got the last sense you got all the other sense apart from the last sense. Mswaaaah😘, heeeey. My life😂😂😂😁. I'm giving it to Edgar Obera to compare senses oooo.. 😂😂😂,,, senses of the light. Sense behind the dark juice, the dark coffee baby. 😘
Okeyyyy,,,,, hahaha . Always believe in the dark coffee, it makes you strong. Alert and always guided.
Kenya will easily become the States before your world ends. 😘, It's the only country which has made us survive and make it strong. Don't let your country down....wooooo, make it strong babe baby make it wild. We got all it takes. 😘, Baby I got I'll turn the lights in the house and in the house you'll experience the lighteness in the neatness and forever glowing. Use the smell to attract the good and the merciless. 😘, I'd rather kill you with a stone, than a medical file.😘 , I feel like the world is still revolving around us. Who are being forced to get the money we want. 😘, Right till your ball gets hurt, 😘😚. Your mama and papa are the best.

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