A surprise guest

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(lol, I found so many spelling mistakes in the last chapter that I had to fix. Maybe I shouldn't Publish things at 1:30 In the morning.... also I kinda hate the last chapter, dunno why, but when I see it I wanna slam my head on something hard. And HOLY CRAP its so cold where I live.)

Ink's P.O.V.

I was in the doodle sphere sketching a landscape. I got bored so I went to visit Dream. I opened a portal to her place and knocked on her door. Before the door opened I could here Dream yell "NO WAIT, DON'T!-" the door swung open and Cross was standing there shirtless and beat up, starring at me. I take a quick step backwards before grabbing broomie out getting ready for a fight. Then I think to myself, why the hell is cross in dreams house!? Dream comes bursting through the door with a face full of blush. "I-I CAN EXPLAIN!!!" she yells at me. I slowly and cautiously put broomie down and say, "okay then, explain to me why cross is here in your house." I say sternly not taking my eyes off cross. "U-uhhh never mind I don't t-think I can.... Or a-at least not now!" she says awkwardly. "B-but y-you can come in if you wanted to." she says looking away not wanting to make eye contact. We all go inside and Dream whispers something to Cross and he goes upstairs to dreams room, I go and sit on the couch. "Do you want any peppermint tea, or coffee, or anything?" Dream asks nervously. I respond Iced tea. She goes into the kitchen and pours cold iced tea into a glass and comes back to hand it to me. I take a sip and put it on the table in front of me. She sits next to me and fiddles her fingers. "So, whats he doing here?" I ask her. " W-well he, he came to my house all beat up and bleeding, so I-I let him in and bandaged him up. When I was done I was going to send him up to my room to rest, b-but you knocked on my door and he answered.


Cross's P.O.V.

I was messing around in a random AU. I was walking through snowdin until something attacked me. I was barely able to dodge. I turned around as quick as I could, It was an Undyne. "Did you think changing your appearance to that would Actually work!? How stupid are you!? Dirty thefts like you should burn in hell!" she yelled before attacking me again. What the hell is she talking about! I didn't steal shit from anyone! I dodged her attack and slashed at her with my knife and..... HOW?!?! THAT BARELY DID ANYTHING!!! WHAT THE HELL KIND OF PLACE IS THIS!? I gotta get outta her. I hit her a couple more times making her fall back before I started fleeing. I ran through a forest and came across a huge pile of snow. I ran for cover in the pile and hit into something hard. "Oww!" I herd someone say I stuck my head out of the snow and before I see anything I smell the strong sent of cake. I looked over and saw a head, a tail and a few tentacles pop out next to me. I was about to scream but I remembered I was hiding so I covered my mouth. He shook his head and turned to me and said"Oh! Hi! I'm so sorry, are you ok?" I uncovered my mouth to talk. "Uhhh, Hi? I'm fine. What are you doing in here?" I ask him. "Well what are you doing here?" he asks me back. "Ummm, hiding?" I tell him. "Oh cool! Me to!" he shouts. I dove over and covered his mouth. "SHHHHHH! Do you wanna get caught!?" I whisper yell at him. he mumbles something and I move my hand. "No, sorry." he whispers back. I wonder how he's been hiding for so long without getting found, because he's covered in really Really bright colours and is almost as big as Nightmare. "Hey, whats your name?" I ask him. "Oh, you can call me Pity. What about you?" "Cross" I say to him. "Hey, where are we?" "Frostin'." he says and laughs right after. "Whats so funny?" "Oh I made a pun, You didn't get it?" he asks. "Uhhh, no?" "Well this AUs called PityPartyTale and there's always cake at a party! And there's usually frosting on cake. This place is actually called snowdin, but frost and snow are almost the same thing, right? So thats why it was funny, but not so much now because I have to explain it." he says making a pouting face at the end. "Oh I'm sorry..... wait, You know about the AUs?!" "Yep, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them." "What do you mean by tha-" as soon as I was gonna ask a spear is thrown between us. We both look toward the direction the spear came from. "SCATTER!!!!" Pity yells before he jumps out and runs to the left really fast, so fast that he's already out of sight. How is he that fast!?. Undyne looks at me confused. "Three?! since when!? No matter, I'll catch these two both then look for the other after. I'll start with the slow and short little runt!" She says then runs for me. I dash after Pity running and trying to catch up. I finally see him in front of me but just barely. It's mostly a blur of really bright colours.

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