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Blue's P.O.V.

I finally got back to the house after about 20 minutes of walking. Then I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me to the door. "Wha...!? Hay! Let go!" I looked to see pap with a worried expression. "What's the big deal!" I said annoyed. "I'll tell you when we get inside." When we got in paps closed the door and locked it. "So what is it you want to tell me?" "Well, you probably didn't notice but....." "but what?" "We'll.... a snowdrake reported there brother went missing this morning. They said there brother went out on there 10 minute walk, but they never came back" Dammit, I think they might be on to me! Anyone who finds out is as good as dead. "They got any idea who it is?" "No, but we still didn't check the camera's yet, so there's that." Thank god I remembered to avoid the camera's. After a moment of silence paps said "just don't wander to far away, OK?" Sigh "Ok" At least they don't think it's me, I'll have to remember to be more careful next time.

Dust's P.O.V.

Nightmare sent me, horror, cross and killer to kidnap the sans from haventale, he said it would be easy cuz everyone there was pacifist. I made a portal then one at a time we all went through. When we got to haventale we split up and started searching. "I'll head north." I said before I left. I'll check the hotel's first. When the hotel was in sight I felt a hand on my shoulder. "You lost there buddy?" I quickly grabbed the person's arm, twisted it and turned around. It was haventale sans, he looked a bit shocked at what just happened. After a few seconds I let go. "S-sorry if I startled you." He said rubbing his arm with a nervous expression. "No, It's find really, and sorry bout' your arm. Anyway, I was looking for you." I said smiling a bit creepy. "Oh! Really? Hold on, have we met before?" "No. But I heard you could help me with something." "Sure, Like what?" He said looking a little suspicious "like That." I said pointing behind him. But as soon as I said that, he looks like he lost all trust in me."sorry buddy but, Like I'm gonna fall for something like that. I thought you looked kinda sketchy before, but now." I growled and glared at him then I tried to hit him in the head with my bone attacks but he dogged them by a few inches. "Woah there buddy, watch were your aiming. You could really hurt someone if you keep it up." "That's exactly what I'm trying to do" Just when I was about to go full force at him, I saw killer coming up behind him. I knew she could get him while he was distracted. Killer always was the best at silent stalking. Whenever nightmare sent us on a stealth mission's, he always made killer the group leader. Some of us thought it was cuz they knew nightmare had a "slight" crush on killer (A pretty big crush) and coincidentally made killer the leader, the others just knew killer was a really good stalker. "Come on, just hold still and you'll make my job a lot more easier." I said with a big grin. After a few seconds killer grabbed him from behind and started to choke him. He started to panic, kicking and hitting trying to get away but couldn't.  He finally passed out a bit after. "I'll call the others and tell them we got him. Just hold him till I'm done and open a portal." I said pulling out my phone. I texted everyone to come back to the meeting place. When I did I opened a portal and waited. As soon as I opened the portal killer dropped the sans. I looked at him and smirked. "I meant carry him through the portal." "I know but you said "hold on to him till I'm done and open a portal." Killer said with a sly grin. "Quit being a smart-ass." I said glaring a bit but still smiling. When the others got back we went through the portal and left.

Blue's P.O.V.

I was back under the same tree smoking a cigarette. It's getting kinda boring around here, guess it's time to start "Training". I burned out the cigarette, sprayed myself with the perfume then got up and started walking towards to where me and alphys we're training. I got to where I wanted to go. I hate having to act so weak and pathetic! Whenever I do, I only use 12.5 % of my energy. Well I can't have them notice. "Hay punk!" Alphys punched my shoulder so I pretended it hurt a little. "Ow." I said with a fake smile."Come on, We still have the whole day left!" Sigh "ok." "That's the spirit! Now come on hit me with you best shot!"

After training

When I was done "training" I started to head home. I wonder what that noise was. I thought. Maybe I'll figure it out later, right now I have to check on my lazy ass brother. Sometimes I wish I could just beat his ass for not listening to me, but that will make them suspicious of me. (Since it's not very likely of me to do) And if they find out I might be banned from coming around anymore. And if that happens, I won't have a place to live. And I can't just open a portal and leave since I'm still practicing. I've almost got it through, just a bit more practice and I'll be ready to open a portal and leave whenever I want to. I could probably do some practicing when I'm done checking on my brother. Ugh.... my head hurt, i should probably take a smoke break in a couple of minutes. As soon as I got to my brother's sentry post he was sleeping. Jeez does this guy ever listen. I thought to myself. I walked over till I was right in front of him. Well he stopped responding to me nudging him and calling his name. I went over right beside him and lightly shoved him. "Wha-!? H-hay!" Thud! "Stop sleeping on the job!" I shouted at him. "Oww..... did you have to shove me!" "Yes, I did! Every other time I tried to wake you, you wouldn't even flinch!" I yelled at him. "O-oh sorry blue, I didn't mean to-" sigh "You don't have to apologize. I just lost my temper and I'm sorry for shoving you, I-I just need a break....." "well if you need one then you can go, don't let me stop you." "Thanks, I appreciate it." I said before walking away. "Ugh... my head is pounding...." I mumbled to myself.

1144 words, not bad. Just saying not all the part will be this long.
Updates will be really slow to. Thanks for reading I guess.

(can't believe people read this trash) lol

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