Chapter 26

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Blue's P.O.V.

I jolt awake from a light sleep. The aches and pains returning to my body. Guess the pain killers wore off. I looked around and realized I was at home. I had fallen asleep. It was currently 3:22 pm, I had slept away almost the entire day. At least I finally rested for a bit. I thought still feeling tired. I forced myself out of bed and covered up my mess of a body before heading downstairs. Papyrus was sitting on the couch watching TV. I ignore him and walked past to the kitchen to make dinner. I could sense his gaze at my back, piercing me. An awkward feeling started building up. I could tell he wanted to say something. I new what he wanted to talk about but it didn't matter, I didn't want to talk with him anyway. I'd rather be with Dust. Or my friends. Anywhere but here would do. I waited for him to talk but he never did. An hour goes by till I finish cooking. Once I finish plating everything I served him a plate. We sit in awkward silence as we finish out food. I get up and take our plates to the kitchen. He finally opened his mouth to speak but my phone started ringing. I quickly answered it. "Hello?" "Hey Baby Blue." "Du- I-I mean uh hey! Did you need something?" I asked nervously. "Not really, buuuuut I was gonna ask if you wanted to spend the night with me again." "Yes! I mean um, sure." Finally a way out for tonight. "K, see ya in an hour." He said before hanging up. An hour? I put the phone in my pocket before I head upstairs, but Papyrus calls to me. I stop on the first step sighing silently out of annoyance. "Yes?" "Before we talk, who was that?" My soul dropped hearing those words. "Oh, nobody important. Anyways, what did you wanna talk about?" I asked, faking a grin. I could tell he new I was lying. Luckily he didn't say anything about it. "I just wanted to ask if you were ok, you've been disappearing and acting weird. And..... drinking." "O-oh! Nothings wrong! I promise!" "Blue.... tell the truth." My smile quickly tuned to a frown. "I said, nothings wrong. I'm perfectly fine. I'm happy the way I am." I shudder trying not to lose my temper. "Blue I know your lying!" "No, I'm not. Just leave me be. Please." "I can tell your lying! You've been avoiding me, you won't even look at me!" "Stop!" "And who was that non important person on the phone?!" "Nobody! Just leave me alone!" I say turning to head to my room. The awful discomfort growing to much to handle. Papyrus grips my arm firmly, pulling me back to face him. "Hey! Answer me! All you have to do is tell the truth, It's not that hard!" Snap That's it! I yank my arm from his grip before shoving him backwards. He falls to the floor with a thump, looking up at me shocked. "SHUT THE HELL UP! JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!" I scream at him, choking down my tears. "YOU HAVE A LOTTA FUCKING NERVE TO LECTURE ME ABOUT LYING!!!" My eyes water up slightly and turn blood-red. I quickly turn to hide my face, wiping my blurry eyes and heading back to my room to pack. An uncomfortable sensation fills my chest as I slump down against the door. My sore body shakes as I try to calm myself. I sit for a few minutes, taking long deep breaths. An excruciating pain enters my skull. Fuck it feels like my skull is splitting. I wipe my eyes a final time before standing up and walking to my drawer. I open it and take out more pain killers, swallowing then down. As I wait for the pills to kick in I started packing up some things. As I'm grabbing some clothes I noticed Dust's hood. I pick it up looking at it. I hug it tightly with a tense grip before putting it on. Just wearing it makes me feel a little better. I continued with my packing, throwing enough clothing for a week into a bag. I hear a weird noise followed by a knock. I look to the door expecting my brother but don't see anything. I turned to the window to see Dust looking through, tapping on the glass again. I smile faintly and head over to slide the window open. He jumps from the branch to the ledge, climbing through. "Hey Blue, you look worked up. Somethin wrong?" He asked with a worried expression "I don't wanna talk about it right now." "K, whenever you feel like it then. I didn't have anything better to do so I decided to dropped by. Besides, it works out anyway cuz I get to accompany you back and get to see your cute, pretty little face." He says in a flirtatious tone which only makes me smile for a moment. Dust frowned noticing my sad and tired demeanour. He pulled me in for a hug, squeezing me firmly while surprising me in the process. It felt like my ribs were gonna crack and shatter under the pressure, yet.... It was very comforting. I didn't want him to let go, or loosen his grip. I buried my face in him completely and wrapped my arms around him. Stupid tears! I could feel my eyes water up again. Why am I so damn emotional! He pull me over and sat on the bed, lifting me on his lap and started to stroke my back soothingly. I could feel my body relax and loosen up while me grip stayed the same.

Killer's P.O.V.

It was finally time for me and Nights date. Even though I could kill people without hesitation, this was definitely making me very nervous. I had though about the clothing I was wearing. It was nicer than my other stuff but it still looked like one of my everyday outfits. I looked through my closet and found a dress. All these years and I still never wore you. I had gotten this dress some time ago but never found the right place to wear it. It was kinda expensive too. I changed out of my clothes and into the dress, looking at myself in the mirror. Hmmm, needs a few extra things. I put a choker with a crescent moon on, a necklace with a cross, thick black bracelets and a thigh garter on my right leg. I dug around and found a pair of black and red heels to go with it all. I went over to my dresser and put some black eyeliner and shimmering eyeshadow. I went back and looked in the mirror again, I smiled at my reflection.

(The outfit)

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(The outfit)

Guess I'm ready now... even though I don't feel ready. I grabbed my bag and opened a portal to the place Nighty said to go. It was a pretty fancy looking place. It was way out of my league. (And probably budget) A bunny lady came up to me and asked what reservation I was. I told her and her cheerful demeanour changed to slightly fearful and uncomfortable as she realized who I was. "O-oh, I uhhh, I-it's right this way y-your majesty!" She said panicked. I blushed at the word. Your majesty? I was at a loss for words. I just quietly followed behind. The place was much bigger than anticipated at first glance. Red, gold and dark oak. Heavy flowing curtains and big round tables, huge golden chandeliers and old pretty oil paintings. She took me to the biggest room so far, the ceiling was triple the hight with huge windows and curtains. A giant chandelier hung above the round dining table. A pretty carpet and beautiful sculptures. Wow, I'm way out of my comfort zone..... My eyes are immediately drawn back to the windows. I look out to see we're in space. Stars and supernovas litter the sky. "U-uhhm your s-seat is the one on t-the left here!" She studded out before leaving in a rush. I glance at the table and see two big throwns facing each other. I take a seat and immediately noticed how soft the fur and cushion was. Guess all I have to do is wait, Nighty said he would arrive a bit later than me.

Sorry I'm taking forever with these, thank you all for being patient with me. Bai :)

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