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I pose to be sleepin because I don't wanna die in class tomorrow but fuck it. These are jus tings I had on my mind. (Or whats left of it after school)

1: should I try to do a Q n A?

2: I did this, if you want I can do another but u can request something.

2: I did this, if you want I can do another but u can request something

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3: I wanted to thank @BaconOnTheEdge for the drawing. (I really luv it)

4: Do u know all the characters?

5: A kid at my school blasted the Phub theme and the teacher gave him the most disappointed look. The kid asked "do you know what that is?" The teacher said "yes." And everyone started laughing so hard and the kid was like "HOW DO YOU KNOW!?" And the teacher didn't say anything after that.

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