Chapter 6

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Kayley's POV

I guess Niall had carried me to my room, because when I woke up, I was laying in my bed next to him. He looked so adorable when he slept. I didn't want to wake him up. I silently got out of bed and tip-toed to my closet. I picked out a long sleeved dark blue and white striped Hollister shirt and a pair of jeans. I stripped and then put the new outfit on. I pulled my dark blue Toms on and threw my outfit from yesterday into my pile of dirty clothes. It was going to be a laundry day. I turned around to find Niall staring at me with a smile on his face.

"You were watching me the whole time, weren't you?" I asked.

"Yep," he answered. I rolled my eyes and climbed back onto the bed. Niall pulled me close to him and we laid like that for a good five minutes. He kissed my neck and crawled out of bed. He stretched, showing off his abs. I rolled my eyes and went back into my closet. I pulled out my broken MacBook and laid it on my bed.

"Whoa," he said as he saw it. I nodded and he asked me what I did.

"I kinda lost it yesterday..." I told him.

He looked at me skeptically. "How much did you 'lose it'?" he asked.

"Umm... Well, I saw this tweet, and umm... I sorta threw my laptop across the room and went to the bathroom and sorta umm, broke a razor apart..."

"WHAT?!" he screamed. He jumped over the bed and grabbed my arms. He pushed up my sleeves and looked at my arms. He saw the only two scars I had then pushed my sleeves back down. He lifted the bottom of my shirt to see if I had cut my stomach. He checked my sides and my back. He was even smart enough to unbutton my pants and pull them down around my knees to check my thighs. I honestly didn't mind. I was getting married to him in a month, so what was the point in being embarrassed? I actually couldn't believe Niall was smart enough to check my arms, stomach, and thighs. Smart boy.

I pushed him away and pulled up my pants and fixed my shirt. "I didn't actually cut myself Niall! Would you just let me finish?!" He nodded with his eyes wide open. "I snapped myself out of my little trance and threw the razor out before I could do anything with it, okay? Gosh!" I know he was just checking for my own good, but it was kind of annoying.

I grabbed my laptop and brought it over to my window seat. I pressed the power button, but the screen stayed black. I pressed it like, ten different times, but it did nothing. I sighed and dropped it on the floor. I shook my head and muttered, "Six hundred pounds gone." Niall came and sat next to me on the window seat. I just turned my head so I didn't have to look at him.

"Ya know, one day, you won't be my princess anymore," he whispered. I felt my heart sink. I turned my head to look at him. A smile spread across his face as he said, "Our daughter will be my princess and you'll be my queen. But until then..." He leaned over and kissed me. At first I didn't kiss back. I finally decided to kiss him back. As I wrapped my arms around his neck, he rested one hand  on my hip while the other was sliding up the back of my shirt. I took one hand away from his neck and stopped his hand from going anywhere. He intertwined our fingers and we stayed like that for a while. Time flies when I'm with him. Call it cliche, but whatever.

He pulled away and smiled. Then he asked, "Do you forgive me now?"

"Kinda. I mean, first, you pantsed me, then you started reaching up my shirt. Why should I forgive you?" I teased.

He grabbed my left hand and held it in front of my face. My ring sparkled in the light streaming in from the window. "That's why."

I rolled my eyes and got up. "If I forgive you, will you put a shirt on?" I asked.

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