Chapter 13

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Kayley's POV

After the reception, Niall drove me and him to the airport.

Just as we got there, the overhead speaker said, "Fifteen minutes until boarding for Flight Nineteen to Honolulu, Hawaii."

I turned to Niall with wide eyes. "We're going to Hawaii?!"

He nodded and asked, "Do you like it? I should've asked you first-"

I shut him up my kissing him. "I love it. Thank you Niall!"

"Anything for you, Kayley." He was too sweet to me.

We had the boys drop off our luggage.

Everybody was there to say their goodbyes: my parents, Niall's parents, the boys, and the girls. Niall said his goodbyes to the boys while I said bye to the gilrs.

"See ya later, alligator," I whispered to Kate as I hugged her tightly.

She chuckled and whispered back, "After 'while, crocodile." We both laughed, but we were both crying. "Now, I want you to be safe, so I packed some condoms in your medicine bag-"

"You did what?!" I scream-whispered at her.

Kate shrugged and whispered, "You know you're gonna do the dirty now. You're married, Kayley. Have fun on your honeymoon for me." She winked and let me go. I playfully and very lightly slapped her cheek and went to talk to Alice.

"Promise me something," I demanded, holding her by the shoulders. She nodded. "Don't cut anymore. For me. For Zayn. For everybody. Please," I whispered.

She nodded and whispered back, "I will. Well, I'll try. I'll try my hardest."

"Trying isn't good enough," I said.

"Okay. I will. Thank you," she whispered.

I smiled and hugged her. "No. Thank you. See ya."

"Bye Kayley," she said into my hair as I left to go talk to Eleanor.

She gave me this creeper look as she hugged me.

"Now, tell me you'll do something for me," she said.

I pulled back from the hug just enough to look at her face. "Hmm?"

"If he starts hurting you, just tell him to pull out-"

"Eleanor Jane Calder!" I scolded her.

She put her hands up and said, "Just saying! Now, go have fun on your honeymoon." She winked. I purposefully stepped on her foot as I walked away to say bye to Danielle.

"Ow!" she called after me. I just laughed.

"Bye Kayley," Danielle said while hugging me.

Out of all the girls I had met in the past six months, I had gotten the closest to Danielle. I don't know why, but I have.

"See ya, Dani," I whispered into her curly hair.

"Be safe, if ya know what I mean."

"Oh my gosh! Why do you people have to be perverts?!" I groaned.

She smirked and said, "As best friends, it's our jobs. Now, go have fun in Hawaii."

"Bye, Dani!" I said. She ruffled my hair a bit and pushed me in the boys' direction. Niall was done saying bye to the boys too, so as we passed each other going from the little huddle of girls the the little circle of boys, he pulled me into a hug and kissed me again. When we pulled away, I went to talk to the boys while Niall went to talk to the girls.

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