Chapter 30

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Kayley's POV

Travelling as much as we were was really boring. I hope you never have to travel that much. We brought so much we could do, but we got bored of it. Finally, Alice walked to her bunk and took a PS3 and a Wii out of her suitcase.

"How come we didn't know you had this sooner?" Zayn complained. "We've been on the road for two months and we didn't know you had a Play Station or a Wii in your suitcase?"

Alice merely shrugged and started plugging the Xbox wires into the back of the TV.

"What games do you have?" Louis asked.

"For the PS3, I have every single Call of Duty game, all the Grand Theft Auto games, and all the Halos. For the Wii, I have Wii Fit Plus, Disney's Epic Mickey, The Conduit, Conduit 2, Iron Man one and two, The Legend of Zelda, and Wreck-It Ralph," she answered.

Oh my gosh.

"I CALL FIRST DIBS!" I screamed. I grabbed a Play Station controller and Halo 4. I shoved the disc in the gaming system and plopped down on the floor.

"MULTIPLAYER!" Niall shouted. He grabbed the other controller and sat next to me. I looked at him. He looked at me. I raised an eyebrow. He did the same.

I squinted and said menacingly, "Prepare for defeat."

"Never," he said, matching my tone and facial expression perfectly. I smiled and looked back at the screen.

About thirty minutes and two games later, Niall had lost twice. He cried the second time. I felt so bad that I hugged him and made him food. When Niall and I walked back into the living area with our popcorn, we found Louis, Zayn, and Harry playing GTA. I sighed and sat on the couch next to Dani. Niall sat next to me, and I cuddled up next to him. We watched Harry destroy Louis and Zayn. Louis threw a fit and started getting to be Sassy Lou.

"You bloody faggot. No one beats King Louis at Grand Theft Auto. No. One. You mess with the bull, you get the horns!" he shouted as he tackled Harry. We all sat there and laughed as they play wrestled. Finally, at the end of their WWE match, Harry ended up straddling Louis' waist. Kate and Eleanor looked at each other awkwardly and turned back to Larry Stylinson to see what would happen next.

Harry leaned really close to Louis' face and whispered, "I think I win, King Louis."

"I think you did too, peasant," Louis said. "Now please get off me. I can't breathe."

"Good," Harry said as he got off Lou. He helped him up and Kate clapped her hands together.

She said, "Okay, to prevent that happening again, I say it's our turn." Eleanor and Dani agreed. I looked to Liam, but he just sat there and watched. I supposed he was tired.

I kept nodding off as Kate, El, and Dani were playing Wii Fit. Alice and Zayn were cuddling on the couch and, well, snogging, basically. Louis was laying across Harry and Liam's laps. Liam was petting Louis' hair while watching the girls do some type of yoga. I can't blame him. If I were a guy, I would stare too.

When they were done, Liam and Alice played COD: Modern Warfare 3. It was a really close game. There were some... inappropriate and unnecessary things said, but they were just joking. I think. Liam ended up winning, and Alice pouted into Zayn's shoulder. Liam playfully rolled his eyes while Zayn tried to "comfort" her. I chose to be friends with these people. Best mistake of my life.

I got on Twitter and looked through my mentions. I replied to and followed the nice ones. I read, but ignored the mean ones. I never realized how mean Directioners could be. Half of the One Direction fandom supports the boys' girlfriends (and in Niall's case, wife), and the other half rips them to shreds. I appreciated the ones that support us. I also appreciated the ones that don't, because haters are my motivation. (Insert winky face here.)

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