Chapter 33

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Kayley's POV

"I can't believe they're still not talking," I told Niall. "It's almost been a month."

"Well," he said, "it was a pretty bad, abrubt break up."

I nodded in agreement and went back to my laptop. I had to find some songs that I hadn't sung for the opening act of the boys' concerts. I wanted something to make Zayn and Alice feel better, but I couldn't think of anything. I tried Google searching songs to make you feel better after a break up, but none of them were helpful. I sighed in frustration and slammed the top of my laptop closed.

"Do you need a massage?" Niall asked. I nodded pathetically and turned to the side. Niall started rubbing my shoulders, and I sighed in pleasure. His massages were the best. I went over our current situation in my head.

We were on the tour bus heading from Madrid, Spain to Lisbon, Portugal.

I couldn't find the right songs to sing in Lisbon.

It was two in the morning.

Another break up happened.

Everybody was stressed.

Zayn and Alice just laid in their separate bunks all day long. They didn't eat or come out for some human interaction. The occasional sob was heard from either bunk on an average of thirteen times a day.

Louis had proposed to Eleanor. Things had never been better for them. It was just adorable, which I'm pretty sure made Zayn and Alice feel more like crap than ever.

Louis and Eleanor hadn't gotten all the attention they deserved now that they were engaged (like Niall and I got) because everyone was trying to stay away from the subject for the sake of Zayn and Alice.

I was almost four months pregnant. Almost halfway done. Woo. My stomach was getting pretty big. Niall worried about me all day and night.

So, basically, that was my current situation. Wasn't it fantastical? Yeah, I just said that.

A light bulb finally appeared over my head. I logged back onto my computer and searched "The Way" by Ariana Grande. I had recently borrowed Niall's headphones and still had them, so I plugged them in and wanted to sing for Louis and Eleanor.

"Hey, Niall. Can I get your help with something?" I asked.

He answered, "Sure babe. What?"

"Can you rap Mac Miller's part in The Way tomorrow?"

"Right now is tomorrow."

"Niall. Stop."


"Are you gonna answer my question?"

"Yeah, sorry."

"Is that a 'Yeah, I'll answer your question,' or a 'Yeah, I'll do it'?"




I went back to my computer, but I realized something a couple seconds later.

"Niall, do you even know his part?" I asked.

"Ehh... Uhh... Umm... Sure?"

"Niall!" I groaned.

I turned around and he was making a weird face.

I gasped, "Are you mocking me?"

"Are you mocking me?" he said, mimicking my voice.

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