Chapter 4

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Kayley's POV

Niall stayed the night at the hotel with the boys. And the other girls, I guess. Whatever.

To: Kate, Alice, Eleanor

Who's ready to go dress shopping?! ;)

The three of them plus Danielle were over in just a few minutes. I didn't have Danielle's number, so I couldn't text her. I'm guessing Niall told everyone what he did, because as soon as Danielle saw me, she grabbed my hand to stare at my ring.

"My gosh! He went all out!" she whispered. I giggled and nodded.

"MUM!" I screamed. She walked in and looked at me expectantly. "You wanna go dress shopping now?" She nodded.

"Can the boys come?" Alice asked.

I answered, "Yeah. Just not Niall. I don't want him to see the dress before the wedding." Everyone nodded and took out their phones to text their boyfriends. Well, ya know. Except my mom. Then I got an idea.

"DAD!" I screamed through the house. He walked in nonchalantly and looked at me like my mum did. "Do you want to have a future-son-in-law-future-father-in-law-bonding day?" I asked.

He shrugged and said, "I guess so, if it's okay with him." I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you Daddy!" I said.

Dad sighed and muttered, "Sure." He then proceeded to walk into the living room and take a seat on the couch. He flipped on the TV and started watching a rugby game.

I pulled out my phone and texted Niall.

To: Niall

Hey :) Since you can't come with us to buy dresses, do you want to spend some time with my dad? Like get to know him a bit better? <3

From: Niall

Sure :) I'll be right over babe <3

I smiled and put my phone in my pocket. We waited around for another couple of minutes and finally all the boys showed up. They all hugged their girlfriends except Niall. He walked over to me and grabbed my left hand, kissing my ring. He was staring at me the whole time, and his eyes gave me butterflies. When he dropped my hand, he pulled me in for a kiss. Well, kiss, snogging session, same thing. I heard my dad clear his throat and he sprang apart faster than... I don't know what, but it was fast.

"Dad! You have to get used to it! We're getting married in a month!" I groaned. I heard the girls hold back a squeal and the boys just rolled their eyes.

"Oh, you know you love it," I said to Zayn, Liam, Harry, and Louis. They all shrugged and went back to hugging all up on their girlfriends.

Awkward silence.

"So who's ready to go?" I asked. Before anyone could say anything, I added to my dad and Niall, "Rhetorical question."

I kissed Niall goodbye as everybody filed out the door. I slipped out of Niall's arms and followed everybody. My mother knew London better than any of us, and she got married in London, so Louis let her drive. The first store we went to was a little hole-in-the-wall store. All ten of us stepped through the door and the woman at the register looked surprised.

She stepped around the counter thing and asked, "Who's the lucky bride-to-be?" Everyone cleared away in front of me, so I was standing there blushing like an idiot. She smiled and grabbed my hand. She led me over to some racks of dresses.

"What are you looking for, Miss..."

"Kayley Meyers," I told her.

"Miss Meyers. Do you know what you're looking for?" she asked.

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