Chapter 18

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Kayley's POV

I heard Niall's phone ringing. He sighed and grabbed it off the nightstand. He rubbed his eyes before looking at the screen. He squinted to see the name, and when he did, his eyes got wide.

"I gotta take this," he muttered before he rolled out of bed.

He walked to the bathroom across the hall and closed the door. I yawned and rolled over to go back to sleep. I looked at the clock. 6:37. That is way to early for me. It was still dark out. I yawned again and closed my eyes. Just as I was dozing off, I heard the bedroom door open. I heard another door open, which sounded like my closet door.

Something was thrown on my head and a muffled Irish accent said, "Get dressed."

I groaned and pushed the clothes off of my face.

"Why?" I whined.

Niall flipped on the light switch and my eyes started burning.

"Answer my question!" I snapped.

"Paul scheduled you a doctors' appointment at seven o'clock," he told me.

Suddenly I wasn't so tired anymore.

I shot out of bed and put on the dark gray skinny jeans Niall put out for me along with one of his white Jack Wills t-shirts. he set my black Toms at the end of the bed to match the black "JW" on the shirt.

I was standing there in a bra and pants, holding up his shirt when I said, "Won't they put that gel stuff on my stomach? Won't it ruin your shirt?"

"I have a billion others," he said, throwing a shirt over his head.

"Wait," he muttered. He pulled the shirt over his torso and looked in the mirror. "This isn't mine!"

"Obviously," I chuckled. The sleeves were almost nonexistent on his arms and it came above his belly button.

He took it off and grabbed one of his shirts. He slid it over his head and put on some trousers.

NIall grabbed a maroon Hollister sweatshirt and threw it at me. It looked a lot like Louis', but I didn't say anything.

I walked over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and combed my hair and all that jazz while Niall did the same.

We smiled at each other when we were ready and walked down the stairs.

He drove us to the doctor Paul scheduled us an appointment at. We got ourselves checked in, and once we were in the waiting room, I took the sweatshirt off. I folded it nicely in my lap. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and checked my Twitter. I realized I hadn't done that since the honeymoon. Wow, time really flies.

I gasped when I saw all the notifications. A million more followers, ten million mentions, and four thousand DMs. I shook my head and decided to just leave that alone for the time being.

I looked over at Niall. He had his hands clasped so tightly in his lap that his knuckles were pure white. His foot kept tapping on the floor. He was obviously more nervous than me. I reached over to lay my hand on his. He stopped tappin his foot on the floor and unclasped his hands so he could hold mine. He was shaking.

"What are you so nervous about?" I whispered. Even though there wasn't anybody else in the waiting room at this time of the morning.

"I don't know," he whispered back. "I guess it's just anxiety."

I raised an eyebrow. "What are you anxious about?"

"Well, our baby is in your stomach. It's kinda nerve-wracking."

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