Chapter 40 Part III

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Kayley's POV

"Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy-"

I reached over and shut my alarm clock off. I hated that song more and more everyday. I stretched and got out of bed. I found a baggy sweater and some shorts, so I threw them on. I out on some fluffy socks and tamed my hair. I yawned as I walked down the stairs to see all the the girls sitting on the couch watching Dr. Who.

"Why didn't you guys wake me up sooner?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes.

"Why did you have your alarm clock on?" Kate asked.

"Touché," I muttered as I sat on her.

She gently pushed me off her while saying, "It's one thing to have a chick sit on you, but it's another thing to have a woman with a pregnant stomach sit on you."

I rolled my eyes and sat in the armchair next to the couch.

"So, are we gonna plan the Tomlinson wedding today?" I asked. Everybody cheered. "I take that as a yes..."

Danielle turned off the TV, and everyone followed her to the kitchen table. I reluctantly got up and followed them.

I pulled my phone out of my sweatpants pocket and texted Louis.

To: Louis

I'd rather help plan your wedding when you're here too, but ya know... Eleanor... :P

He immediately texted back.

From: Louis

Can we FaceTime you guys?

To: Louis

Sure, if you want El to get pissed off.

From: Louis

We'll survive.


FaceTime connecting...

I pressed answer and I heard five, "HELLO!"s. Eleanor looked at me weird.

I turned my phone to face her and said, "Say hi to the boys!"

"Hey Eleanor!" Zayn screamed.

She turned back to me and growled, "You FaceTimed the boys?"

"No, actually, they called me," I said.

She rolled her eyes.

"We're here to help plan the wedding!" Niall yelled.

"You don't have to scream, babe," I told him.

He smiled sheepishly and muttered, "Sorry."

"So, Louis," Eleanor started, "where do we start?"

"Colors," I said.

"Shut up," Louis said to me.

I did as I was told.

The two idiots eventually decided on red, black, and white. They decided that Lottie would be the maid of honour. I felt kind of bad for Fizzy, but Lottie was older. The bridesmaids would be the rest of the girls: Dani, myself, Alice, Kate, and Fizzy. The best man would be Harry (Larry, much?), and the groomsmen would be Liam, Niall, Zayn, Josh, and one of Louis' friends from before the X Factor who's name I didn't catch.

"Are you guys gonna go dress shopping or something today?" Harry asked.

"YES!" Dani squealed

El shrugged. "I guess it's settled then. We're going dress shopping."

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