Chapter 17

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Kayley's POV

"Happy Valentine's Day," I heard. I slowly opened my eyes to see Niall leaning over me.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you too," I whispered. Niall pulled the covers back.

"Happy Valentine's Day, little one," Niall whispered against my bare stomach. He kissed it and I laughed. He pulled me out of bed and handed me sweatpants and a tank top. He also handed me one of his Jack Wills hoodies. I gladly took them and I got dressed. I followed Niall downstairs to see a pancake breakfast with eggs and bacon. I smiled and sat down at the table. Niall gave me a plate with a pile of food on it, and sat down with one himself.

I don't know what the point of eating was if it was just going to come right back up when I finished. I sighed and walked from the bathroom to the couch. As soon as I laid down, Niall walked in saying, "It's Valentine's Day! Do you know what that means?"

"Chocolate?" I said hopefully.

Niall laughed. "I was gonna say a chick flick and kisses, but that works too."

"I'm fine with either," I muttered as he came and lifted my head. He sat down and laid my head on his lap. I closed my eyes and he started stroking my hair. His thumb ran across my cheek, moving any hairs that might've been in the way. I couldn't help but smile. His thumb then brushed over my lips and he hesitated before leaning down and kissing me. I smiled wider and opened one eye. He was doing the same. I giggled as he pulled away.

"So what do you wanna do?" he asked.

I tapped my chin jokingly and said, "I think we should... go see what the boys are doing."

Niall bit his lip.

"I'm not sure we should do that..." he said.

"Why not?"

He raised an eyebrow at me. I mirrored him.

"It's Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day sex," he told me.

I smirked and whispered, "Let's ruin their fun."

We hopped in Niall's car and drove to the hotel. We went up to the penthouse floor on the lift and stepped through the door. Niall silently closed it behind him and we split up. I took Louis' and Harry's rooms while Niall took Zayn's and Liam's.

I put my ear to Louis' door and heard something that sounded like kissing. Niall looked at me from across the room and I gave him a thumbs up.

He smiled and put his ear to Zayn's door. His face contorted and he shivered. I took that as a yes.

I put my ear against Harry's door. I suppose they got the hotel rooms with the most sound-proof walls so they couldn't hear each others' moaning. The doors weren't so sound-proof though. I felt my stomach churn when I heard Kate gasp Harry's name. I thought she wanted to wait until she got married...? I held a thumbs up to Niall and he nodded.

He stepped toward Liam's door and right before he put his ear on it, it opened, revealing a half-naked Liam. Both boys screamed like little girls. Liam backed into the room again and closed the door as Niall's hands flew up to his eyes. I giggled as I walked over to Niall and uncovered his eyes.

"You've seen all the boys naked before. What's so bad about it now?" I asked.

"I don't wanna witness them having sex!" Niall said. He shivered again at the thought. I shook my head and took his hand in mine.

"So..." I started. I smirked as an idea came to mind. I was glad I brought my wallet.

"Niall, can you drive me to the store?" I asked, batting my eyelashes innocently.

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