Chapter 19

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Kayley's POV

"Today's the day," I said to wake Niall up.

He groaned and rolled over on his other side. I shook his shoulder and he rolled away from me. One more time and he'd fall off the bed!

"NIALL!" I yelled. "WAKE UP!"

He groaned and rolled again, this time hitting the floor. He sat up rubbing his shoulder.

"Ow! Why didn't you tell me I was about to roll off the bed?" he asked.

I kissed him and said, "You needed to wake up. Now go get ready. You have sound check in two hours."

I carefully stepped out of bed, unlike Niall, and walked over to my full length mirror. I turned to the side and looked at my stomach. I could see the very tiny baby bump. A shirtless Niall walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He rested his hands right beneath the slight bulge.

"That's ours," he whispered against my neck. His warm breath sent tingles down my back. Niall lightly kissed behind my ear and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"We should take a picture," he said. I looked at him through the mirror with a confused expression. "Ya know, like, every month on the twenty-eighth, cause that's when... yeah, take a picture of you standing sideways. My parents did that with me and Greg. Why not do it for you?"

I shrugged. "Sounds like a good idea to me. Just five more days till the first picture, then."

Niall smiled and slowly ran his hand up my stomach. When he got to my rib cage, he slipped his thumb under the bottom of my bra. I smacked his hand and turned around.

"No time to be cheeky. Get ready. We have a lot to do today."

"Yes, Mother," he joked. I rolled my eyes.

Niall turned and walked to my closet. He looked through the clothes before choosing the Hollister shirt I got him for his birthday and a pair of jeans.

"They're just gonna have me change there anyway," he told me. I shrugged and went in the closet right after him. What to wear, what to wear...

"Whoa..." I accidentally said out loud.

"Hmm?" Niall hummed, turning around.

I blinked a couple of times before saying, "This is my first One Direction concert!"

Niall laughed. "Such a big Directioner like you and you've never been to one of our concerts?"

I shook my head and told him, "Me and Kate always wanted to, but our parents would never let us."

"Well, today's your lucky day," he said, buttoning the shirt over his muscular chest.

"Ha, yeah right," I retorted. "My lucky day was July seventh."

"Is that the day we met?" he asked.

"Yup," I said, popping the 'p.'

He shook his head and put his pants on while saying, "I can't believe you remember that."

"Well, believe it," I said jokingly.

I went back to searching through the closet for something to wear. I finally settled on a white long-sleeved shirt that had the "1D" symbol on it in red and black. I slipped it over my head and started to put my arms through the arm-holes, but they kinda got stuck. I started slinging the empty sleeves all over the place, making airplane noises, until I (purposely) hit Niall in his butt.

He turned around and gave me a blank stare. "Just... why?"

I shrugged and spun my way back into the closet. I grabbed a pair of black trousers off a cupboard in the wall and put them on. I pulled my red Vans out of the closet.

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