self care night

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because self care is important.

I throw open the door and fall onto the couch, burying my head into the pile of fluffy pillows in front of me. Tommy chuckles and pats my head before closing the door, making a comment about the heavy rain outside.

I feel him sit back onto the couch and he starts to poke me until I grumble. He pulls my arm gently, trying to peel me off the couch.

'No,' I grumble. He laughs at this.

'You're soaking the couch. You gotta get up and get changed, or you'll get sick!'

I peer up at him, my eyes narrowed. 'I want to get sick. Maybe it'll be so bad that I'll be free of this miserable world.'

Tommy laughs. 'Come on, it couldn't have been that bad.'

I roll my eyes, putting my head onto my arms and looking up at him. 'Wanna bet? Cassandra wouldn't stop talking about her latest hookup and Addy wouldn't stop texting Mack. Then they started going on and on about the latest drama with Helen. Seriously, that woman doesn't quit being a snake. Then Murphy showed up and we all had to pretend to like him while he complained about his own problems. Why did I let them order that many cocktails?'

I bang my head on a green fluffy pillow repeatedly while Tommy roars with laughter. 'Hey, it's not as bad as when Mack shows his and Addy's sexts. Or when Vasquez suddenly decides that he's a stripper and starts climbing onto the pool table. They're the worst to have drinks with.'

'Maybe we should make a two-drink limit,' I mumble and Tommy nods.

'Maybe a one-drink limit for Vasquez.'

I sigh, burying my face into the pillow again. I hear Tommy get up from the couch and walk out of the room. I stay with my face in the pillow, too drained to move.

A hand rests on my back, gently rubbing up and down. I'm shaken out of the sleep that I had unconsciously drifted into. Tommy then pats the back of my thigh, which makes me roll over slightly and look up at him.

'Get up!' He says excitedly. He's grinning from ear to ear, which makes me narrow my eyes in suspicion.


He puts a finger to his lips and holds out his hand for me to take. 'You'll find out. Come on!'

I take his hand cautiously and follow him into the bathroom, where the scent of vanilla and roses greets me. A large candle flickers on the bench beside a pair of my silky pajamas and in front of me, the bath is piled high with bubbles.

I turn to Tommy with my grin matching his. 'This looks incredible.'

Tommy chuckles, producing a bottle of champagne and two glasses from the side of the bath that's hidden by the bubbles. 'Does this make it better?'

I gasp and take the bottle from him, trying to open it. I pout and hand it to Tommy, who opens it on the first try with a smirk. I roll my eyes and get into the bath, feeling the bubbles tickle my skin. Tommy hops in after me, handing me a full glass. We clink glasses as the rain delicately patters on the window frame.

~ ~ ~

After throwing bubbles at each other for about an hour and lots of champagne later, we get out and I put on my silky pajamas that feel like a dream. I wrap my hair up into a towel, which makes Tommy laugh.

'What?' I ask, frowning at him. He points at my hair.

'How the hell did you do that?'

I motion for him to come over and I wrap his towel around his head, bunching it up and piling it on the top of his head. He looks at his reflection and bursts out laughing.

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