it's cold (rewritten)

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it's another crappy rewrite everyone!! we love to see it

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The fluffy blanket is pulled up to your shoulders. Your legs are tucked up into your chest and you've curled into the tightest ball that you can manage. But you can't escape the cold of the queen bed. Even with the amount of layers that you have on. You rub your legs up and down, hoping that it will heat you up with friction.

Or whatever, you didn't pay attention in physics.

You sigh as you turn over again, struggling to sleep. The cold is keeping you awake; your teeth chattering and goosebumps invading every part of your body. You wriggle around a bit, hoping that the movements will warm you up a little bit. Sadly, nothing seems to be working.

A squeak interrupts your wriggling. You immediately pause and your whole body tenses. You silently reach for your knife that's placed on the bedside cabinet, cringing when your fingers knock against the wood. You've just grasped the blade when the door squeaks closed again.

Then the figure moves into the middle of the room, stepping into the small stream of moonlight that's pouring in through the window. You release your hold on the knife, looking at the figure in surprise.

'10k? What's up?' You ask with concern.

He's shivering, hugging himself tightly. He's wrapped in as many layers as possible, with his thick jacket covering his long-sleeved shirt and pants. He's doubled up on his thick, woolly socks, which move constantly as he shifts from foot to foot.

'I, um, well, I was wondering...'

He seems nervous and you sit up, ignoring the chills that wave through you as the breeze moves through the blanket. You pat the bed next to you, watching as his eyes travel from your cozy figure to the mattress. 

'Come, sit down,' You say softly, witnessing the hesitation in his glance. He gingerly sits next to you, the mattress dipping slightly with his soft actions. 

'Thanks,' He replies, running his hand over the fur of the blanket. You watch him for a moment, intrigued. In that moment, his face is filled with a child-like innocence as he marvels at the sight of fresh and fluffy item.

'So, why have you woken me up?' You ask, breaking the silence. He looks up at you, hands slowing. 'It better be important, I was sleeping peacefully before you came.'

10k looks at you with surprise, while you chuckle at your own joke. He smiles and it lights up his features. 'I don't think that even penguins could sleep in this temperature.'

You let out another soft chuckle, taking in the way that his own smile widens at the sound. The moonlight is hitting his face perfectly, just enough for you to see his features in a haze. 10k clears his throat, the harshness of the sound breaking the moment.

'It's not really important,' he says slowly, taking his hands off the mattress. He goes to push himself off the bed but you reach out and delicately grasp his wrist, freezing him in place. 

'No, it's okay. What's up?'

10k takes a deep breath, settling back onto the blanket. Then he looks up at you, his clear blue eyes locking with yours in a gaze. 

'I was wondering if I could.... maybe... come into your bed?' He starts, slow and stuttering. Then he picks up speed, blurting the words out. 'It's... coldandallandyoudon'thavetosayyesactuallyIcouldgobackrightnowifyousaynoit'salrightwithmeY/NIjustthought-'

You interrupt him with a laugh at his nervousness. He sends you a small smile, unable to gauge your reaction to his speech. Then you nod, which makes his face light up again.

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