[REQUESTED] The Sisters of Mercy

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This was written for the lovely @Maggie_Rhee11, I hope that you like it! Reader is a female for this because it's about the Sisters of Mercy, but you can definitely modify it to suit you!

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You bolt upright, frantically searching for familiarity. But there's nothing familiar about the flowered bedspread draped across you, the wide windows allowing the light to shine on the grime under your fingernails or the group of women crowding in front of you.

A large palm lands on your shoulder and you flinch, eyes darting to the person standing beside you.

'It's alright,' The large woman says, with hypnotising note to her voice. 'You're safe now.'

You stare up at her in confusion and a little bit of fear. You shrug her hand away and move your legs to the side of the bed, trying to stand up. The woman puts her hand back onto your shoulder, gently pushing you back onto the bed.

'Not now, sweetheart. You need to rest,' She says calmly, motioning to the woman standing closest to her. 'Amy will take care of you.'

You wildly glance at all of the women, then back to the large one in front of you. 

'I don't understand. Where am I? I-My brother. Where is he?' You ask, your voice raising with panic. 'Where the hell is my brother?'

The large woman motions and the other women leave the room. She sits down on the chair at your bedside, reaching for your hand. You pull it out of her grasp and she stares into your eyes. 

'You're alright now, sweetheart. I don't know where your brother is.'

'He must be here somewhere. If you found me, you would have found him. He was with me,' You say desperately.

The woman shakes her head. 'We found you alone. Unconscious and dehydrated. You're safe now.' 

You look at her in disbelief for a few moments, before nodding. 

'I'm Helen. And you are..?'

~ ~ ~ 

When Amy gave you the all-clear you wander into the bright sunshine. Girls are skipping, playing hand games and laughter fills the air. Women walk around with large grins on their faces, holding baskets at their hips and placing food on tables. You look around at the landscape, with the tall trees whispering and the smell of fresh surrounding you. You haven't smelt clean air since about 3 years ago. 

Flowers are blooming and you can hear the faint tinkling of a river close by. The grass kisses your feet and the wind gently blows amongst your clean skin, reinforcing the freshness you feel. You close your eyes with a smile on your face, feeling the sun beat down on you.

Then you frown.

Opening your eyes, you glance around and only see women and children. Women and girls. Not a single male in sight. 

You walk over to Helen, who's looking at you with a soft smile. Then she frowns slightly, sensing your expression.

'Why are there only females here?' You ask. 

Helen chuckles. 'Why shouldn't there be?'

You falter slightly. 'Have you not found any injured men or anything?'

Helen laughs, one that's come from within. 'Oh, we've found men. Only they didn't make it out.'

'What does that mean?'

Helen grins, showing all of her yellowed teeth. 'This is a safe haven for women and children. A place away from the scum of the earth. Those who only hurt and take what they want without considering others.'

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