chaotic college au - 10k

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HAHA I just found this that I wrote about 10k based off a tumblr post, why not publish it? I hope you like it lol

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Sleepily thanking the person who held the door open for me, I let out a loud yawn as I take in the sight before me. The last class before the exam. 

I blink furiously, trying to keep my eyes open. The late night studying didn't help me at all and my eyes feel like they've been glued shut. Judging by the faces around me, I'm not the only one who feels this way. I stumble to the middle row and take a seat, throwing my backpack onto the floor beside me. 

I sigh as my friend sits in front me, sleepily greeting me. We slouch in our chairs, opening our notebooks with a groan. The professor bounces in, freshily dressed from head to toe. I'm talking vest, dress pants, tie, loafers and gelled hair. That man has gotten at least nine hours of sleep and I want to kill him for it. 

He stares at all of us and lets out an amused chuckle.

'Finals week getting you down? Don't worry, today will just be a review of the most important things to know for the exam. No need to learn anything new, unless you've skipped a few classes this year.'

I let out a breath of relief as the professor fiddles with his computer, muttering something about slides before an exasperated kid in thick glasses gets up to help him. I look around the room, trying to distract my tired thoughts.

My friend has already given up, her head covering the desk and a pool of drool coming out of her mouth. I pat her head in solidarity before finding something else to focus on. When the boy beside me catches my eye.

I peer at him, wondering what he could be doing this time. He never fails to intrigue me and I think that he might be the smartest person in this place, despite doing the weirdest things. To my surprise, he's zonked out, head on his notebook. I can make out some scrawling and a few messy doodles around his untamed mane of hair.

I sigh quietly, a little disappointed. I was relying on him to get me through this class but without him as my entertainment, I don't know how I will get through this lesson. I hate mandatory attendance classes.

Then, the boy's head raises, almost as if he's been shocked to life. He looks around the room, eyes wide and blinking. He turns and looks at me, who seems to be the only person who's noticed him.

'Did I miss anything?' He asks frantically. I shake my head, too shocked to speak. He breathes in relief. 

The professor claps his hands, pulling my tired eyes toward him.

'Phew, finally got that working now. Okay, so, if you just keep up with me, then we can get this all done by 9am. Okay, so this is explaining...' 

I zone out, his words flying in one ear and out the other. Then, a movement beside me captures my attention. The boy is taking something out of his backpack. I stare intently as he pulls out a thermos and a can of energy drink. 

He looks around wildly, before locking eyes with me. He points to the drinks. 

'Do you want any?' 

I stare at him for a moment. 'It's 7am.'

The boy looks back at me for a moment, with an unbothered look. 'Is that a no?'

I furrow my brows, confused, as the boy shrugs and opens the can. The hiss is covered by the professor's loud rambling. He then opens the thermos and the smell of fresh coffee fills the air.

'Are you going to drink both of those?' I ask curiously. He looks at me and then back at the drinks for a moment. I can feel the cogs turning in his brain, slowed by the hours of studying and the early hour.

Then, without a word, he pours the entire can of energy drink into the thermos, then screws the lid on. I watch in horror as he shakes the thermos up and down. Then, he unscrews the lid and looks down at the concoction he has made.

'I'm going to die,' He says with joy.

Then he drinks the entire thing right before my eyes. 

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