Anybody Out There?

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People who are surviving the zombie apocalypse may think it is heaven to be in a safe place from all of the danger. 

Trust me, it's not.

I'm lonely. 

I'm so lonely.

I'm isolated from the rest of the world. I don't know if I will ever see another human again. The only thing that I can do is watch. I can access any camera around the globe; pick up any signal.

I've been looking through the lens but I can't find a pretty picture. 

I'm safe and I know that I'm lucky. People would trade anything and everything to be where I am now. They think that it's wonderful to be away from everything that's going on, only having to watch it from afar.

But that's the issue.

I can't do anything for anyone. I can't help innocent people rescue their lives from this mess that we call the world. It's not like I can stop the apocalypse, do something of real value for them.

I haven't seen anybody in years. I'm going crazy, sitting in this army base by myself. 

My shadow is the only friend that I have. 

But that doesn't even speak.

Every day when I wake up, I have one goal. And every day when I go to sleep, that goal still isn't achieved. I try to make contact with the survivors out there. I get no reply.

Day after day.

It's almost comedic, how many times I yell out across the globe and receive no answer. I repeat myself over and over but there is nobody to hear it.

But I want somebody to hear it. I want somebody to speak to me. I want to know that somebody out there is alive. 

I don't want to sit here and watch anymore. I don't want to have a voice that I can't use. I want to take action. I want to see another living being. 

I don't want this as my life anymore. At first, I felt special and privileged to be safe, have the world underneath my fingertips. 

But now, I just want to escape.

The pain, the death and destruction. I see it from every angle, hear it through every speaker. I've seen the worst things and they hurt me. 

Anybody out there?

I sit here everyday, at my desk. Hoping that today will be different, today someone will reach out to me. Every day, I'm hit with the disappointment. 

The disappointment comes with heartache, hurting me bad. But I keep on going. I'm not going to give up.

One day, somebody will reach out to me. One day, it will be worth all of the days that I wasted at my desk, watching and waiting for a sign. 

One day, somebody will prove to me that somebody is out there; still alive. Who knows, maybe they'll even be my friend.

It can't end like this, I won't let it. I'm strong and I am resilient. I won't give up hope.

Can you hear my echo?

Please, tell me that you're alive.

Yet another short imagine because I'm not really inspired at the moment! I don't have any ideas :((( Saw a kind of spoiler for season 5 and honestly not okay at the moment, but I think that it isn't true? We'll see, they wouldn't put a major spoiler like that in the trailer, would they? Plus, Doc's eyes weren't cloudy, they were normal so ??????  

I hope that you enjoyed this! This is based off the song 'Echo' by Jason Walker. It's a really cool song and I recommend it! 

Love you all xxx

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